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發表於 2017-4-26 02:47:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 23-year-old man was pronounced dead at the Leonora Cottage Hospital two Wednesdays ago, hours after he was punched by his neighbour, when he tried to defend his teenaged sister.Dead is Shamsudeen Samad of Lot 37 Tuschen Housing Scheme,Cheap Jerseys Online, West Coast Demerara (WCD).Police are hunting for the suspect who had barged into Samad’s yard on August 14 last,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and physically assaulted him.According to reports,China Jerseys, the now dead Samad was inside his house when he heard one of his neighbours asking his 14-year-old sister if she would have sexual intercourse with him.Dead: Shamsudeen SamadSamad exited the house and questioned the neighbour, who reportedly got upset and rushed towards him and punched him in his face.Samad fell on the concrete and lost consciousness while the suspect ran away after seeing blood pouring from Samad’s head.On Tuesday, the dead man’s father, Abdul Samad told Kaieteur News that he was at work when his daughter called him and informed him that something happened at home.“I was at work and around 02:15pm (August 14) I get a call from my daughter, telling me to ‘come quick, come quick, something happen’. So I rush home.”The man explained that when he arrived at his home, he saw his son in a semi-unconscious state and when he inquired,cheap nfl jerseys, he was told that Samad had been assaulted by the neighbour,wholesale jerseys, while defending his sister from the 20 year old.The 14-year-old girl explained to this newspaper that she was out on the veranda and heard when the suspect’s mother sent him to the shop but he refused. “He come and stand up in front the yard,Cheap NFL Jerseys, looking at me and I ask him what happened and he asked me if I like him and then I call for my smaller brother but he was sleeping.”The girl said that the neighbour pushed open their gate and come into their yard and told her that he wanted to have sex with her.This time her older brother Samad heard the unusual request and came out to confront the neighbour.“When my brother asked him why he tell me that, he run towards my brother and cuff him and my brother fall down and when he (suspect) see that, he runaway,Wholesale Jerseys Online,” the 14-year-old told this newspaper.Investigators have informed that they are treating the matter as a possible homicide and have launched a manhunt for the suspect.According to the grieving family, they received information that the suspect might be hiding in the North West district.“I want justice for my son’s death. The post mortem shows that he died from the hit he got on his head,” the dead man’s father said.

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