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發表於 2017-4-26 16:26:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Mankind was put on de earth to multiply and mek children and multiply you money. Jagdeo and Brassington was to multiply de money in de treasury. Instead dem tek de money and multiply it in dem pocket.Yesterday was emancipation and people of all races and colour come out fuh celebrate. Right here dem boys get confuse watching so much different human beings.Dem know that Black and Buck mek Buffianda; coolie and black mek duglah; black and putagee mek santantone and white and black does mek mulatto. De confusion come when dem boys see black and chinee. Nobody ain’t know wha fuh call dem till de boss man seh that is simple. “Just call dem Bai Shan Lin because dem is de greatest fuh multiply.”Dem multiply one logging concession overnight to three-quarter of Guyana.Dem multiply one of Bee Kay gold prospecting licence and get de other quarter of Guyana. Dem boys hear that Bai Shan Lin tek over Gita Sing by Day and Gita Thief by Night house.De woman cut and run after de Pee Pee Pee lose de elections. Dem boys hear a lot of people planning fuh cut and run.De Shaat scamp already planning fuh go and wuk in de Maldives. He get a job and dem boys got to move fast to get him. If he manage to get out before he get handcuff dem boys plan to go till wheh he deh wid a placard before de president of de country fuh extradite him back to Guyana.After all it ain’t fair fuh him to get away and lef he kavakamites dem in deep s**t. Dem boys will not sit back idle and stay quiet and allow him to spread his thiefing dutty disease anywhere else.But Soulja Bai seh that a lot of cutting got to come. He already cut Jagdeo and Donald security; he gardener,New York Yankees Austin Romine Jersey, he cut de light bill and phone bill money and dem boys give him a high five fuh all of that.Dem boys plan to give him a special award when he put handcuff pun Jagdeo and Brassington,Aroldis Chapman Jersey, Babbie and de rest of dem hand.Talk half and watch how dem running.

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