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發表於 2017-4-28 07:20:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Moleson Creek Primary School,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Region Six,NFL Jerseys Supply, is now permanently closed owing to the inadequate student population in the area it served for over a decade. The two school-aged children residing in the community are registered to attend Crabwood Creek Primary School from this term.The deplorable dam residents are forced to traverse.This is according to Regional Education Officer,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Shafiran Bhajan, who is tasked with ensuring those two students attend their new school. This move may also impact the living arrangements of their family members.It was duly noted that in addition to the distance, the dam leading from the Moleson Creek area to Crabwood Creek is impassable. Bhajan said that she may have to discuss the allocation of house lots for the two families with the regional authorities.However,Cheap Jerseys Online, some residents within the Moleson Creek area are displeased with the closure of the school. They are adamant that there are other school-aged children living within the community and by next year the number will increase.But, Bhajan assured that a survey was conducted recently to ascertain the number of school-aged children within the community, and only two were discovered. She added that when the school was in existence the attendance level was poor.Dismissing claims by residents that the school building was rehabilitated earlier this year,NFL Cheap Jerseys, Bhajan said that the Region was forced to replace 47 zinc sheets which were stolen from the edifice and several from a washroom. She added that ‘Tuff tanks’ were also stolen and were subsequently replaced by the Region.Commenting on the future of the structure, Bhajan said it may be used as a community centre. Residents may have to pool their resources to fix the dam,Jerseys China Wholesale, which is the main access road.Permanently closed: – Moleson Creek Primary SchoolBhajan stated that on Thursday some employees of the Region went to rehabilitate the road but were forced to halt works because of the dam’s poor condition. She lamented that any improvements to the stretch would have to be conducted during the dry season.

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