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[PS3] Joe Maddon Cubs Jersey ” one of the officers told this newspaper.









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發表於 2017-4-29 10:23:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…peeved with continued denial of full annual leaveSenior officers of the Guyana Police Force are up in arms over what they described as the continued arbitrary interfering with administrative issues of the organization by Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.The officers have accused the Minister of flexing his muscles, by using subtle threats to keep them in line with his “dictatorship style” of overseeing the Guyana Police Force.Home Affairs Minister Clement RoheeAnd they plan to deal with the matter at every forum, including the senior administrative meeting. They even plan to take the issue to President Donald Ramotar to have the situation ironed out.The straw that broke the camel’s back is the continued implementation of reduced annual leave for senior officers.In 2011,Omar Vizquel Tigers Jersey, no leave was granted to Assistant Commissioners in order to facilitate the provision of proper security for General Elections that year.The following year, through an informal communication the minister had advised that due to the political situation in the country following the elections, officers will only be granted 21 days leave.However,Denny McLain Tigers Jersey, when the officers applied for their leave this year,Kenny Lofton Indians Jersey, they were told that the position remains the same.According to some of the officers, although a part of their leave has been deferred, there is no attempt by the Ministry to pay them in lieu.“It’s not that we need the money, we want our leave and there was no discussion with us before this condition was continued,” one of the officers told this newspaper.The matter came to light recently when Assistant Commissioner Derrick Josiah applied for his leave and was told that he would only be permitted 21 days.According to one of the officers, Josiah referred to the Ministry’s position on another assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine who was earlier granted his 42 days leave.This led to the Ministry of Home Affairs reversing its decision on Ramnarine and reducing his leave by half.“This we find unacceptable. The Minister has not consulted with us. He’s just making these decisions arbitrarily. Our leave is an entitlement and not a favour,Anibal Sanchez Tigers Jersey,” another officer declared.Senior police officers are entitled to 42 days annual leave; junior officers 35; corporals and sergeants 28 and constables 21 days.“We are now relegated to Constables. While we recognize the role of civilian oversight of the force, we cannot sit by and allow this oversight to transcend into dictatorship,” the officer added.During a high level meeting last week at the Ministry of Home Affairs, some senior officers raised the issue of their leave with the Minister claiming that it was their entitlement.One very senior officer indicated to the Minister that once it is an entitlement,Carlos Gonzalez Rockies Jersey, they should not have to plead for it.This did not go down well with Minister Rohee,Danny Salazar Indians Jersey, who retorted that many who adopt hardline approaches and hark about professionalism, return to his Ministry to seek favours.Some of the officers see this as a reference to their gratuity and job opportunities after retirement.Of course, the officers who spoke to this newspaper requested anonymity because of precedents that were set in terms of consequences whenever they spoke out about perceived wrongdoings by the political directorate.Ramnarine, for one suffered for his outspokenness. Following a public spat with Minister Rohee over the allocation of money for police duties for the 2011 General Elections, he was relieved of his Commander position and relegated to the Department of Development at the instigation of the Minister.That entity was recently made defunct by the newly established strategic management department, a civilian component overseeing the implementation of the reform of the Guyana Police Force.“Ramnarine is one of our most senior officers and to have him sidelined doing absolutely nothing because of a disagreement with the Minister is counter-productive, especially when the Force is embarking on a new phase where professionalism is paramount,” one of the officers told this newspaper.

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