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發表於 2017-4-29 10:24:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Freddie been to de hospital fuh de brain scan. And is a good thing he went because now he know that anybody can cuff he in he head and he ain’t gun suffer no injury. After he see de doctor he had to sit and wait fuh de results. Gerhard de Ramsaroop boy,Cincinnati Reds Jerseys, been wid he because is he recommend de visit.A nurse call Freddie name and Gerhard get up wid he but Freddie being de secret agent he is,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Stitched, he tell Gerhard fuh wait outside. Was de same Freddie who does write bout everything. Dem boys remember when he was part of de protest that keep all over de country. Every protest that Freddie tek part in he write about.Well de same Freddie been involved in a protest at Buxton. He never write a line; he never write how he dive in de corner when a minibus nearly clip he tail when couple of dem boys was standin on de road. He does write about all who talk nice at dem rally. He talk how Nigel Hughes and David Hinds is master speakers. Well David talk again at Buxton and Freddie ain’t write a line.Well,Craig Biggio Astros Jersey, when he go in de room fuh de results of de brain scan de doctor tell he that he ain’t got problem,Nolan Ryan Astros Jersey, that he got a big space between he ears wid not even a trace of a brain.De other David of the Upposition,Daniel Norris Tigers Jersey, like he in de same category. He going to Suriname fuh talks. He stop talking in Guyana a long time ago. Dem boys want to know if he forget de language and he now going to Suriname. Dem boys seh that he probably going to see if he can start wid takkie takkie,Alan Trammell Tigers Jersey, de same language day dey does talk in Suriname.Imagine Donald call he fuh talk and he agree to de electricity cut. Then when de cut come he claim how he never seh nutten like that. It had to be that he didn’t understand wha he talk suh he now going to Suriname.But some of dem boys believe that he tunning to de Djuka fuh get a knack which is another word fuh obeah.Talk half and give Freddie some brain.

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