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發表於 2017-4-29 23:42:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The woman who allegedly rented and drove the getaway car that bandits used in the robbery at PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee’s home has surrendered.Police said that the woman,Dale Hunter Capitals Jersey, who was accompanied by an attorney, turned herself in yesterday. She is said to also be a suspect in a recent fraud at an East Coast Demerara entity.Police have also identified at least one of the woman’s accomplices.A brief video-tape seen by Kaieteur News showed two men, wearing caps and with a backpack,Mark Messier Rangers Jersey, leaving a yard that appears to be Rohee’s. They are also seen standing on a roadway until a car arrives. A woman, who is wearing a red top and a cap, is seen exiting the driver’s seat. She keeps her head down and uses a hand to conceal her face.Three bandits, who were masked and carrying two guns and a knife, escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash, jewellery and other valuables,Jacques Plante Canadiens Jersey, after tying and beating two of Rohee’s maids. The employees were the only persons at home. The bandits reportedly entered through the back door,Dylan Larkin Red Wings Jersey, which was left open.Reports are that the maids were tied and kicked when they told the intruders that they had no idea where the money and jewellery were hidden.Rohee said that he and his wife were at work when a neighbour called and informed him that a jeep filled with police ranks was in front of his property.According to the former Home Affairs Minister,Dickie Moore Canadiens Jersey, when he arrived at his home, he was informed that one of the maids had left the door open while she was inside cleaning.He said that the men used the opportunity to barge into his house and demand that the women hand over gold,Dan Girardi Rangers Jersey, after which they ransacked his home in search of valuables.The PPP General Secretary said that he was informed that the ordeal lasted for about 15 minutes and the men escaped in a car.Police stated that a woman had rented the getaway car, and returned it to a Croal Street dealer about an hour later.Police had said last week that they were unable to view the footage of the robbery, since they did not have the access code for Rohee’s Digital Video Recorder (DVR).Rohee had reportedly told the ranks that he did not have the access code that would allow them to see the footage of the attack.The PPP General Secretary reportedly told the detectives that his technician knew the access code,Matt Niskanen Capitals Jersey, but the technician also reportedly said that he did not have the code.It is alleged that the ranks then contacted the DVR manufacturers,Evgeny Kuznetsov Capitals Jersey, who indicated that they would assist. But before this could be done,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, Rohee reportedly asked the investigators to return the DVR. The equipment was reportedly returned.

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