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發表於 2017-4-30 05:38:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Carifesta X may be over, but the campaign is still on.This is so because of the need to ‘clean up’ the environment,Jerseys NFL China, as a lot of infrastructural work was done to effectively host the event.According to Minister of Culture,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, the Carifesta Secretariat will soon start work on a project to dismantle some of the structures built.The secretariat,NFL Cheap Jerseys, he said,cheap nfl jerseys, is currently preparing its financial and other reports which, upon completion, will be submitted and examined by the relevant authorities.Government had budgeted a sum of $500M for the hosting of the event.However, not all the structures built for the mega event will be dismantled, according to the Minister.At the National Park, some structures will remain for the time being, as the Ministry of Health plans to hold an event there soon, and will utilize some of the booths constructed.The internationally designed stage at the National Stadium will be dismantled and stored to be used in future events. It will be available for rent to interested organizations and individuals.Other buildings and structures would be permanent. These include the various types of Amerindian edifices erected at the Amerindian Village at the Exhibition Site, Sophia. The culinary stalls there will also remain.Whilst the central area for Carifesta was around the city of Georgetown, activities were also held in some of the outlying areas, namely Regions Two, Three, Five, Six and Ten.Work to clean up the surroundings in these areas has already started, with some regions having completed the process. Minister Anthony reiterated that the recently concluded Carifesta celebrations in Guyana were a huge success.He underscored the point that all the aims and objectives of Carifesta were achieved and that the event resulted in tremendous cultural and economical benefits to the nation.“People from all walks of life participated. And this was important as such intermingling fosters harmony in our country,” Dr. Anthony noted.“It has shown that culture can be established as an industry,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, since the holding of the event here saw a boom in the commercial sector, as hotels were overbooked,Wholesale Jerseys Online, restaurants and snackettes had their food sold out, and even taxi drivers had a busy time,Jerseys China Wholesale,” he said.He added that all incoming flights to Guyana during this period were filled to capacity.Minister Anthony posited that one of the special characteristics of the mega event was the participation of religious based groups in the festival for the first time. “By this we have created history as these faith based groups never took part in Carifesta before. Some shows that were held will be in the memories of those who witnessed them for a long time.”The Minister noted that the air show displayed by Brazil was the first of its kind to be held here.“Our local people had an opportunity to experience the cultures of different societies as participants of the festival came from different parts of the world and a lot of the visitors were astonished by the level of cultural development in Guyana”.Minister Anthony said he was particularly impressed by the participation of the large numbers of young people at the Youth Village.According to him, a count taken by the Carifesta Secretariat at all the different venues during the event showed that overall, about five hundred thousand people attended the different shows and activities held. However, he noted that many persons attended more than one show.

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