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[PS3] Jose Abreu White Sox Jersey Aremu Road









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發表於 2017-4-30 09:53:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment through the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission has approved a series of critical infrastructure works within several mining districts.These works executed under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment’s Hinterland Infrastructure Committee (HIC) of the GGMC resulted from representation to Minister Robert Persaud by the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA),Cheap Jerseys From China, miners and other stakeholders during various outreach meetings.Executive members of the GGDMA and of the Guyana Women Miners Organization meet with Minister Robert Persaud and other officials.According to the Ministry yesterday, the works were approved by Minister Persaud as part of the Government’s efforts to provide support to miners who are now faced with addressing the declining gold prices.At a recent meeting on July 4,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Minister Persaud updated GGDMA representatives on infrastructure works being carried out within the various mining districts.For the 2013 work programme, over 481 miles of road works have been budgeted for and as of June 31, 2013 over 186 miles of road were completed. Works are ongoing on some of the projects which were recently awarded. “Invitations for Bids have been requested for additional works through the public procurement process.”Some of the completed road works include Mahdia Internal Roads,Cheap Jerseys, Itaballi Landing to Puruni Crossing,NFL Jerseys Authentic, Toraparo Junction to Pappyshou Landing.“Additional rehabilitation works to be completed before the end of 2013 include the road from Matthew’s Ridge to Baramita, Aremu Road,NFL Jerseys Supply, Brian Sucre Junction to Micobie and Tumatumari as well as other hinterland roads identified by the GGDMA,” the Ministry said yesterday.The rehabilitated Puruni Road.HIC is comprised of stakeholders with an interest of developing hinterland mining roads in Guyana.The members of the committee include representatives from GGDMA, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Guyana Forestry Commission.Meanwhile,Wholesale China Jerseys, the Ministry said that HIC is in the process of implementing Road Users Agreements for many rehabilitated roads to ensure the road quality is maintained by limiting loads per size of vehicle and access during heavy rainfall events whilst ensuring maintenance works are done in a timely manner.One of the rehabilitated bridges.

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