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發表於 2017-5-1 00:19:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The MV Divinity 3 left Port Georgetown last Friday with its Captain and seven crew members but it returned early yesterday morning minus one of the crew.Ramkumar Seeram called ‘Rano’ or ‘Kahar’ is feared drowned after his fellow crew members discovered him missing Wednesday night near the end of their aborted trip at sea.Police are questioning the captain and other crew members and have almost ruled out any foul play in Seeram’s disappearance.The crew members believe that Seeram fell overboard in the rough waters of the Atlantic off the Pomeroon Coast on Wednesday night.Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, the trawler’s Captain Lakeram Mahadeo said that the vessel had developed engine problems and they were returning to shore when tragedy struck.He said that at around 20:00 hours on Wednesday, he discovered that oil was leaking from the engine and after checking he took the decision to abort the trip.“Me tell dem boys that the oil leaking plenty and we can’t work so we gone go home. I tell dem wuk out de heap and tek in de rig. After dat I tell dem fuh tek a five because dem wuk whole day,Jerseys NFL Cheap, me gon drive,NFL Jerseys Cheap,” the Captain told Kaieteur News.He said that a few hours later when he awoke the crew, Seeram was missing.Mahadeo said that he turned back the trawler and returned to the area where they had come from with the aim of locating Seeram.“We searching,NFL Jerseys China, searching,Cheap NFL Jerseys, call me other partner dem wha been out deh wukkin fuh see if dem see anybody but no answer,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” Mahadeo explained.But after searching for two hours in the dark Atlantic with waves reaching as high as 10 feet,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, he and the remaining crew members gave up.He insisted that Seeram as well as the other crew members were equipped with life jackets which they are mandated to use while on deck.The vessel’s owner Linden Connelly, who has been in the trawler business for the past three years, told Kaieteur News that this is the first time that he has had this type of experience.He said that early yesterday morning the wharf foreman contacted him and informed that his vessel was on its way in.“He said that the captain reported to him that one of the men fall overboard; they presume that he fall overboard,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” Connelly said.He said that he was not familiar with Seeram since the captain would be the one to select his crew.According to Connelly, the trip was to have lasted for eight days but because of the engine problems that developed, it was aborted after five days.This was the first time that Seeram had worked on the Divinity 3, but according to relatives, it was not the first time that he had been on a trawler.Kaieteur News understands that other fishing vessels have been alerted to be on the lookout for Seeram’s body.

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