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Guyana and Suriname have agreed to a menu of measures to strengthen cooperation and consolidate coordination in combating crime and threats to public safety.This was contained in a joint statement between the two ministers responsible for national security in the respective countries,Nick Perry Packers Jersey, following a meeting at the Pegasus Hotel yesterday.Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee and his Surinamese counterpart Chandrikapersad Santokhi discussed a series of issues and matters related to common concerns about crime and security.It was the second meeting of the two sides following the Nieuw Nickerie Declaration.The Ministers received reports on the functioning of the mechanism they established at Nieuw Nickerie in May 2008 to facilitate effective and 鈥渞eal time鈥� cooperation and coordination between the law enforcement agencies,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey, both at the level of the relevant divisions/districts and at the agency-to-agency levels.Both Ministers are satisfied that the mechanism they established is greatly assisting the law enforcement agencies in their efforts to bring to justice persons who indulge in criminal activities.They were particularly satisfied with the progress made in bringing to justice several perpetrators of robberies in the maritime zones of Guyana and Suriname.The importance of joint investigations into criminal activities that have links in both Guyana and Suriname was underscored and the two Ministers have directed the relevant law enforcement agencies on the actions they must immediately undertake to facilitate such joint investigations.Multilateral instruments to which Guyana and Suriname are parties will be used to further security cooperation between the law enforcement agencies.The two Ministers also discussed the so-called 鈥渂acktrack鈥� operations between Guyana and Suriname and the plans of the local authorities to regulate those operations.Guyana took note of the decisions of the Republic of Suriname to put temporary mechanisms to deal with backtracking,Sean Davis Steelers Jersey, but stated that at this time the status quo remains in place but both countries will continue to discuss this matter in the future.The Ministers concluded their meeting satisfied that the mechanism that has been put in place has the potential to support the work of the law enforcement agencies in all the facets of cross boundary crimes and illegal activities.Arrangements were made for focal points and working group meetings to explore the specific areas of cooperation.The Third Session of the Guyana/Suriname Ministerial Bilateral Meeting will be convened in Suriname.

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