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[PS3] Joe Kelly Red Sox Jersey the father of the slain man









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發表於 2017-5-1 20:08:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Albouystown murder…– Victim’s father denies sending gunmen to threaten suspectsAlbouystown murder…– Victim’s father denies sending gunmen to threaten suspectsPolice have detained a fifth suspect in the murder of 23-year-old Wendell Tappin, who was brutally murdered on Old Year’s Day in Albouystown.Kaieteur News understands that the suspect is the father of three of the men who were arrested shortly after Tappin was hacked and stabbed to death.Dan Tappin A relative said that he has been detained at the Ruimveldt Police Station.Relatives of the suspects have alleged that they have been receiving death threats since the murder.But in an interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, Dan Tappin,cheap nfl jerseys online, the father of the slain man,wholesale jerseys china, denied that his family has issued threats or sent gunmen to the home of persons who allegedly killed his son.According to Mr. Tappin,jerseys nfl wholesale, his family is satisfied with the manner in which police are conducting their investigation and have no intention of taking the law into their own hands.“My entire family is prepared to allow the police to do their work. We have no knowledge of gunmen going to the (suspects’) home. Mischievous persons would like to see us retaliate, but vengeance belongs to God.”Tappin,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, who has fathered 16 children and is the foster-father of 12 more, alleged that it is the relatives of the suspects who are the ones who have been making threats.He also refuted suggestions that the killing might have stemmed from an incident in which his son had attacked a female relative of the suspects some time ago.Tappin said that his son was killed by members of one family during an altercation over a cell phone battery.The patriarch of that family has 18 children. Dead: Wendell TappinThe man,cheap nfl jerseys china, Leonard Allicock, had told Kaieteur News that one of his sons was forced to move from his house in Hill Street Albouystown, because gunmen visited the son’s home a few hours after the killing.A tenant alleged that since Old Year’s Night, strange persons have been visiting the yard.Wendell Tappin, of 88 James Street, Albouystown,wholesale jerseys, was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital on Old Year’s Day where he was pronounced dead following an altercation in Albouystown where he was stabbed and chopped about the body.

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