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[PS3] Wholesale Jerseys suob0glx









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發表於 2017-5-1 22:08:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The commencement of the preliminary inquiry concerning the tampering with witness charge against embattled television station owner, Chandra Narine Sharma and five of his associates,NFL Jerseys Cheap, has been further delayed.Yesterday,NFL Jerseys China, as the matter was called up before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond, the court was told that the prosecution was not in possession of any of the files.Police Prosecutor Alexis David-Hassanah,Cheap NFL Jerseys, yesterday told the court that the witness who was scheduled to testify was giving evidence in another court.Sharma, his son-in-law Ravi Mangar,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Tyrone Ali, Mark Reid, Raywattie Ramsaywack and Doodnauth were all charged with obstruction of justice.The prosecutor yesterday also, made an application to have the earlier matters withdrawn and have Sharma and the five other persons be charged jointly.Attorney at law Vic Puran told the court that the defence was contending that the matter was political in its genesis. He made a request for the matter to be tried by a “judge and jury”. He said that because of the sensitivity of the matter the defence was seeking that course.Puran said that the charges are very serious and if convicted they could be jailed.However, the Magistrate said that she was not convinced enough and as such she would not grant the defence the application.Attorney at law Mark Waldron,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who is representing Ravi Mangar and Mark Reid,Jerseys NFL Cheap, said he was kind enough on the first occasion when the prosecution was not ready.However, the lawyer said that the continued delayed with the case is hindering his client’s busy business schedule.He explained that his client owns a very reputable business establishment and as such he is required to travel frequently.Waldron asked for the matters against his clients to be dismissed for “want of prosecution”.He opined that the state was playing games because from May 13 to today no one knew where the files were.He further argued that there was never a breakdown in communication because the Director of Public Prosecutions came to prosecute the matters herself.After hearing counsel’s arguments the Magistrate fixed a final date for the commencement of the preliminary inquiry.The Magistrate warned if that was not done she would be forced to dismiss the cases. Almost two months ago, Sharma,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, his son-in-law Ravi Mangar, Tyrone Ali, Mark Reid, Raywattie Ramsaywack and Doodnauth were all charged with obstruction of justice. To date, the prosecution has continuously delayed the case on every hearing.All the persons mentioned in the charge are presently on $100,000 bail, which was granted by the Chief Magistrate on the first appearance.

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