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發表於 2017-5-3 10:28:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two years after being freed of the alleged murder of his wife, Bridgette, grass track champion rider,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Dwarka ‘Dave’ Gangadin, is to be soon charged for Driving Under the Influence (of alcohol),Adoree Jackson Authentic Jersey, following an accident on the Golden Grove Public Road, last Tuesday evening.A breathalyzer test done shortly after the accident which resulted in the injuries to pedal cyclist,NFL Jerseys Authentic, 20-year-old Trevon Adams, revealed that the alcohol consumption of Gangadin was over the prescribed limit.Adams has been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) with several injuries including fractured neck and foot. He also lost two teeth.His bicycle was broken in half, while there is no sign of his BlackBerry phone, and an IPAD.Reports suggest that Adams was riding his bicycle on the Golden Grove,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, East Coast Demerara Public Road when he was hit by the speeding Canter truck driven by Gangadin.The young man had left his mother’s home in Golden Grove,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and was reportedly heading to see his father’s place in neighbouring Nabaclis when the incident occurred.The man’s father, Charles Adams, shortly after the accident, told Kaieteur News that he was also heading to see his son in Golden Grove when a yellow Canter truck sped past him. The elder Adams said that he recalled thinking to himself that the truck was going at a much too fast rate.However, it was only after turning at the “bend” of the road (between Golden Grove and Nabaclis) that he heard someone saying that the Canter truck had hit someone.“After I hear that,Wholesale Jerseys Online, I just ride up li’l fuh see is what…but is then I see me son lying with he bicycle in the middle of the road.”After hitting Trevon Adams, the vehicle also slammed into the back of a parked minibus on the opposite lane of the road before ending up in a nearby barbershop.Police arrived at the scene shortly after, and prevented the driver of the truck from being further roughed up by eyewitnesses and other villagers of Golden Grove.

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