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One out of two young people who start and continue to smoke will be killed by tobacco related illnesses, said Head of the Adolescent Health and Wellness Department of the Ministry of Health, Dr Marcia Paltoo.Dr Paltoo’s disclosure came during her address to a gathering of students and education officials at a recent activity to mark the observance of Education month.Dr Marcia PaltooShe was at the time attempting to highlight the fact that health is a very important aspect of education even as she noted that worldwide, five percent of all deaths of young people between the ages of 15 and 29 is attributable to alcohol use.Another additional area of concern to be addressed as a result, Dr Paltoo said, includes worm infestations. According to the doctor, globally, worm infestation is the greatest cause of diseases among five to 14 year old children. Iodine deficiency on the other hand is the single most common preventable cause of mental retardation and brain damage in children,China Jerseys, she added.She articulated further that varying forms of injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among school aged children.In some countries, up to 60 percent of all new Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) infections occur among 15 to 24 year olds, Dr Paltoo disclosed. “If you are ill you miss school. So you need to do several things to maintain good health and build good habits now,” Dr Paltoo encouraged.She related that exercising every day is one important way for young people to keep healthy as is eating foods from the five food groups. She also disclosed that it is important that they know their body mass index, quit smoking if they have started, and as far as possible refrain from using alcohol as it could become a fatal habit.It is for this reason, the World Health Organisation through its Global School Initiative which was launched in 1995,Cheap Jerseys Online, seeks to mobilise, strengthen school health promotion and education activities at the local,NFL Jerseys Supply, national, regional and global levels, according to Dr Paltoo.The initiative, she said, is designed to improve the health of students, school personnel, families and other members of the communities through schools.Through its recent launch of the Policy Document on School Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, the Ministry of Education is seeking to achieve such goals with the collaboration of partnering agencies.“Many of today’s and tomorrow’s leading causes of death, disease and disabilities such as heart disease, cancer, chronic lung diseases, depression, violent, substance abuse,wholesale jerseys, injuries, nutrition deficiencies, HIV and worm infections can be significantly reduced by preventing inter-related categories of behaviour that are initiated during the school years.These include tobacco use, behaviours that result in injuries and violence,NFL Cheap Jerseys, alcohol and substance abuse, dietary and hygienic practices that cause disease, failure to exercise,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, and sexual behaviours that cause unintended pregnancy and diseases.”Through its recently launched Policy Document, it is believed that the Ministry of Education is well geared to disseminate requisite information to all institutions of learning to channel the desired health path for young people.According to Chief Planning Officer within the Education Ministry, Ms Evelyn Hamilton, over the last few years the Ministry has clearly recognised the need to deal with the whole child.And this, she said, is required, given the fact that health, socio-economic circumstances and environment of learners all affect the ability to make effective use of the educational opportunities that are provided.Accordingly,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, she related that the Ministry in its new strategic plan sought to address all of the outlined issues and has even more particularly sought to integrate health related issues within the education sector.It has been observed that health plays a vital role in the overall development of children and their capacity to learn. For this reason, she disclosed that the Ministry has accelerated its response to the evident needs by focusing its attention on a range of issues relating to school health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS.“Noteworthy examples can be highlighted including that in 2005, the Ministry of Education implemented a massive HIV/AIDS programme in the sector which was aimed at increasing the awareness levels as well as reducing stigma and discrimination. Today, as a means of ensuring sustainability in such campaigns, HIV/AIDS along with issues pertaining to drug abuse, sexuality and hygiene are addressed in a comprehensive way via the Health and Family Life Education Programme,” Hamilton disclosed.According to her, strong leadership and support by the Ministers of Education and other officials contributed towards the progress that has been made to date.

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