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發表於 2017-5-4 01:29:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Hours after being shot in the stomach during a robbery,cheap nfl jerseys, 40-year-old Sanjay Persaud, of Sisters Village, West Bank Demerara,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, succumbed to the injury early yesterday morning at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.DEAD: Sanjay Persaud The deceased, who was an itinerant vendor operating in the vicinity of Bourda Market, was robbed of his gold jewellery and shot once during a brazen attack by two gun-toting bandits, at the junction of Regent and Bourda Streets, on Monday night.According to reports, Persaud was attacked by two young men armed with guns, around 21:30 hrs, while he was ‘hanging out’ in the area with four other vendors. The bandits shot Persaud and relieved him of two gold bands and a gold chain before fleeing on foot.Eyewitnesses said that while the Persaud and his friends were having a conversation, a male individual approached Persaud’s stall to enquire whether there were any lighters on sale, to which Persaud replied in the negative.It was further disclosed that the man who requested the lighter left the scene but came back shortly after in the company of another man,NFL Jerseys Cheap, both brandishing handguns.Stefan Phillips, who was with Persaud at the time,Cheap NFL Jerseys, said that the men discharged two rounds in the air. Phillips recounted that he managed to momentarily grab one of the bandits, who shot in the air again.Persaud, meanwhile, was in a scuffle with the man’s accomplice, and it was while wrestling with the bandit that the man shot Persaud. The men then snatched off his jewellery and made good their escape.Relatives of the deceased told this publication that they learnt from eyewitnesses that Persaud, bleeding profusely from the gunshot wound, was left approximately half an hour on the road. They also claimed that as the robbery was in progress, a male city constable at the nearby Bourda outpost rendered no assistance, despite being called upon by one of the persons who was with Persaud.“If he (constable) had acted in a professional manner my brother’s life could have been saved today… taxis refused to carry the man because they don’t want to blood up their vehicle,China Jerseys, and a police patrol pass eventually and carry he to the hospital,” one relative stated emphatically.“When Stefan Phillips go and ask for the constable assistance, he say is he alone and he ain’t coming out. At that time my brother wasn’t shot. After the bandit see that the constable didn’t come out he start to demand more gold and when me brother ain’t give he, dey shoot he,” one of Persaud’s siblings related.Reports made to the police reveal that the suspects are known criminal elements.“We want the police to investigate what is really happening and bring them to justice. This is how people just losing their life. What the police really doing?”Sanjay Persaud,NFL Jerseys Supply, who has been a vendor for decades, has left his parents and six siblings – three brothers and three sisters – to mourn his passing.

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