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On the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Children’s Development Fund (UNICEF) recently joined with World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in launching a new three-year initiative in more than 30 countries to protect children against violence.World Day of Prayer and Action for Children is a movement that harnesses the powerful role of religious communities in keeping children safer by promoting affirmative measures such as birth registration and positive parenting, and discouraging potentially harmful actions such as child marriage.While significant progress has been made in reducing child mortality and increasing child health around the world,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey UK, millions of children are subjected to violence,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey UK, exploitation and abuse.“Violence does not discriminate,” said Anthony Lake,Franco Harris Steelers Jersey UK, UNICEF Executive Director. “It cuts across race, religion,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey UK, class, and culture.”One of the most important ways parents can help their children is by practising positive parenting.  Parental influence and protection pay a critical role in determining a child’s wellbeing and can be done without resorting to violent discipline, which harms the child and is not effective.Another key step to protect children is birth registration. This simple process establishes the existence of the child under law and provides the foundation for safeguarding many of the child’s civil, political,Hines Ward Steelers Jersey UK, economic,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey UK, social and cultural rights.Unregistered children may face challenges in accessing health care, education and social assistance. They are the first to fall through the cracks in protection systems and there is a risk that violations of their rights will go unnoticed.An important focus of the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children is child marriage,Antonio Brown Steelers Jersey UK, which affects girls disproportionately.  Child brides are at greater risk of violence, abuse and exploitation, and also more vulnerable to catching sexually transmitted diseases than more mature women.“To end such violence,Irving Fryar Patriots Jersey UK, we need to work together – across religious faiths, across political parties, across all boundaries – to raise awareness, to reach out in our communities, and to strengthen systems that protect children,” said Mr. Lake. “Let it begin with a prayer and end in action.”UNICEF has a long history of working with religious leaders from all faiths on issues that affect children:  from partnering with Imams in Mauritania to eliminate corporal punishment, to joining forces with Buddhist Monks in Bhutan to support children affected by HIV and AIDS, and working with churches in Ecuador to address child and maternal health.The World Day of Prayer and Action for children was launched in 2008 to improve the lives of children everywhere.  In 2010,Devonta Freeman Falcons Jersey UK, the day was celebrated in 46 countries around the world.

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