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Ryne Sandberg Cubs Jersey Good Hope shooting/ robbery…









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發表於 2017-5-4 13:09:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Good Hope shooting/ robbery…One day after bandits shot and robbed businessman Ramdat Balkarran, his family are now contemplating installing an improved security system to avoid a second attack.Balkarran, 45, of Lot 433 Good Hope East Coast Demerara was shot in the chest while his wife,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, Shireen Balkarran 40, was slashed above her right elbow, when bandits invaded their home Friday morning.The family owns a large grocery shop which adjoins the home.The couple’s son, David Balkarran, yesterday told this newspaper that workers have reconstructed new grill works for the house.The young man said that they have also added a series of bolts and locks on each of the doors in the house.“We are just making the precautionary steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again” Balkarran noted.The man said that on Friday night after he learnt of the arrest of two men fitting the description of the two men who robbed his father, he quickly went to the Sparendaam Police Station.However Balkarran said that he was not able to identify the two men. He said that the police have vouched that the family would be contacted. The young man also disclosed that his father’s condition is steadily improving. He explained that his father has regained consciousness and is speaking with relatives.The injured businessman is still a patient in the Male Medical Ward of the hospital.The two bandits entered the home by removing several louvre panes from a window in the lower flat of the building,Reggie Miller UCLA Jersey, and then cut through the grill that was barring the window.They then forced the grill out of the bolts that held it to the window. This had to be a noisy business but no one heard—not the neighbours,Junior Seau USC Jersey, not the people in the house.Mrs. Balkarran had recounted that she heard her son,Cheap Villanova Wildcats Jerseys, David, banging on her bedroom door shortly after 02:00hrs yesterday.The woman explained that she got up and opened the door only to be confronted by the gunmen.Balkarran said that she quickly closed the door, but the bandits kicked it open. “After I open and see them I scream and locked back de door…but they kicked it open,Cheap UCLA Bruins Jerseys,” the woman said.The two bandits, whom she described as men in their early twenties, started demanding that the family hand over their valuables. They then dragged the couple out of the bedroom and put them to lie facedown on the living room floor.She started resisting and was chopped to the hand, with what appeared to be a large knife.The woman recounted that it was while she and her son were outside that they heard a single gunshot.She said that the bandit quickly exited her bedroom and alerted the other one that they got what they had come for.The woman said that she immediately rushed into the bedroom and saw her husband lying on the bed.With the assistance of her son,Uconn Huskies Jerseys, she took the injured man to the Georgetown Public Hospital. Upon his arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital he was immediately rushed into surgery.

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