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Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey namely security









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發表於 2017-5-4 20:12:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In light of the many challenges facing CARICOM member states,Chad Bettis Rockies Jersey, Canadian High Commissioner Charles Court has said that his country wants to define activities that will target and achieve results in three core pillars of the region, namely security, democracy and prosperity.High Commissioner Court, one of the guest speakers at the Business Awards dinner, said that Canada recognises that CARICOM members confront a number of geographic,Ian Kinsler Tigers Jersey, economic and social challenges, such as major capacity constraints in terms of human and financial resources; frequent natural disasters; instability in some countries; the limited size and scope of domestic economies; heavy dependency on limited sectors such as tourism and agriculture; violence and insecurity; heavy debt burdens with impacts on foreign policy; and the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.As well, he added, Canada knows that most CARICOM members are developing/middle-income countries, including small island developing states (SIDS), which are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and are heavily impacted by the recent increases in fuel and food prices.“External shocks, such as the end of preferential trade agreements and economic troubles in the United States (reducing tourism), exacerbate the impact of these challenges.In recognition of these challenges, there is need for developing long term solutions that will effectively and concretely address the problems and underlying causes.”According to the ambassador, Canada is working with the Caribbean states to develop capacity in these areas and address specific issues.Particularly, he pointed out, the Government has devoted $600 million to a new CIDA programme for the region for the ten years beginning in 2007.“That programme is now under active development, and announcements will be coming soon. This is over and above the $500 million programme already in place for Haiti. It will make Canada the top bilateral assistance donor in the region.”With regard to security, Court said, Canada is a contributor to the Caribbean region through its military training assistance programme. “Funds are allocated to RSS — the regional security organisation, as well as various training programs for police forces in the region.”He added that Canada has set aside $17 million for scholarships over a period of 10 years. The scholarships are tailored to developmental needs, such as good governance, rule of law,Colorado Rockies Jerseys, democratic development, environmental science,Jon Singleton Astros Jersey, economic and trade policy issues.“They serve to enhance the skill sets required to advance the development and sustainability of the CARCIOM region economically, politically and socially, while promoting partnerships and collaboration.”He also said that in the third pillar of the regional approach, prosperity is reflected in the upcoming trade negotiations (FTA) for the region, as well as the large presence of Canadian companies in the offshore financial industry of the region.“Regional integration remains a working process. Canada wants to support that process, as it has from the beginning of CARICOM, as it evolves and in ways that reflect the decisions that the member states make.”Court pointed out that the objectives of Canada’s new partnership with the Caribbean include promoting and supporting effective democratic governance by strengthening regional institutions and fostering leadership and human capital development within the public and private sectors and civil society; to promote regional and hemispheric security by helping to enhance CARICOM countries’ capacities to address national and regional security issues as well as public safety and health challenges.Also, promoting prosperity in the Caribbean by supporting capacity building and expanding trade and investment, including through the negotiation of a Canada-CARICOM trade agreement; and by strengthening Canada’s role and influence through partnerships with regional and global IFIs.“To promote political and economic integration in the Caribbean by strengthening regional organizations such as CARICOM, the OECS, and the CDB; and by promoting the integration of Haiti into CARICOM and the sustained engagement of CARICOM partners towards the consolidation of peace, stability, and prosperity in Haiti.”In addition to enhancing Canada-CARICOM partnerships in multilateral fora (UN,Anthony DeSclafani Reds Jersey, OAS,Omar Vizquel Tigers Jersey, Summit of the Americas, Commonwealth and others) to support shared objectives and act as advocates for shared values and interests“In order to meet those objectives, it will be critical to maintain sustained and substantive high-level dialogue with key partners and regional leaders, on issues important to our regional and multilateral agendas.”

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