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Attorney General,Authentic Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Jersey, Anil Nandlall, in light of his most recently filed High Court action, withdrew his previous challenge against the no confidence motion against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.Minster of Home Affairs: Clement RoheeNandlall said that the action would be a duplication to pursue the previous motion as the one recently filed covers “all the issues”.The joint parliamentary opposition,Stephon Marbury USA Jersey, by virtue of its one seat majority, had in July passed the no confidence motion against Rohee. The motion called for the Minister to resign or be removed by the President.The opposition also said that it does not have a problem with Rohee as a Minister, but just not Home Affairs Minister. He is not doing his job efficiently hence does not gain the confidence of the opposition.However, the government refused and remains adamant that Rohee does not sit as a Minister or a Member of Parliament based in the confidence of the opposition.  The government had almost immediately moved to the court.The issue has resulted in a continuous battle between the opposition and the government; and parliament has suffered as a result wasting some $1.7 million per sitting.After exhausting other avenues of silencing Rohee in parliament,J.R. Smith Cavaliers Jersey, the opposition,Authentic Jimmy Butler Bulls Jersey, at the last sitting, tabled another motion to “gag” Rohee.After much debate, Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman ruled that Rohee face the Parliamentary Committee of Privileges.He additionally ruled that bills and motions in the Minister’s name would not be entertained before the committee’s findings with the government contending that he had given effect to the opposition motion.The government again moved to the court.Attorney General Anil Nandlall, last week,Larry Bird USA Jersey, filed a “notice of withdrawal and discontinuance” of the matter against the Speaker Raphael Trotman and Leader of the Opposition David Granger whose name the motion was filed in.Nandlall ‘s petition sought to have Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman’s ruling prohibiting Rohee from speaking on Bills in the Parliament and referring him to the Committee of Privileges, declared “unlawful, unconstitutional,Authentic Tobias Harris Pistons Jersey, and without jurisdiction”.According to court documents, the Speaker,Bojan Bogdanovic Nets Jersey, who is the second named respondent of the motion, has no power whatsoever under the standing orders, the laws of Guyana,Kyrie Irving Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, or the Constitution to impose a prohibition on a member of the National Assembly from speaking or performing the functions which devolve upon that member,Paul Millsap Hawks Swingman Jersey, either as a member or as a Minister thereof.According to Nandlall’s motion, the Speaker’s ruling is without any legal or factual base and therefore the privileges committee has no jurisdiction to deal with or determine any issue remitted to it.The AG is also moving to have an order setting aside, vacating, quashing or rescinding the decision and or ruling of the Speaker as well as any decision arising from the Privileges Committee since the referral  with the High Court was also asked to declare that the Privileges Committee had no jurisdiction to deal with or determine any issue remitted to it on the basis of the Speaker’s ruling during the last sitting.Nandlall said that the motion filed last week by the government incorporates the challenge to the no confidence motion and that it would be duplication to continue with that matter in light of the more recent development.The petition is set to be heard before acting Chief justice Ian Chang on Monday.

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