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發表於 2017-5-7 00:29:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Relatives of a man from the Pomeroon are calling on the relevant authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding his death in a Venezuelan prison.Reports are that 45-year-old Desmond Adams,Alejandro De Aza Jersey, formerly of Grant Woodlands Lower Pomeroon,Milwaukee Brewers Neftali Feliz Jersey, was shot and killed some time on Tuesday by another prisoner at the Wasino Prison in neighboring Venezuela. The incident reportedly occurred some time around 22:00 hours on Tuesday.While reports are still sketchy as to what really transpired,Colorado Rockies Ian Desmond Jersey, a brother of the dead man, Wilfred Adams,Luis Sardinas Jersey, told Kaieteur News that he received the message that his brother was killed. The source was a sister who lives in Venezuela.According to Wilfred Adams,Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Bud Norris Jersey, on Wednesday,Cleveland Indians Edwin Encarnacion Jersey, his sister called saying that their brother was involved in an argument with another prisoner.That altercation ended up in a fight during which he was shot several times in his chest and back.The man added that a post mortem was performed on his brother’s remains on Wednesday morning after which it was handed over to relatives. The dead man’s remains are expected to be flown back to Guyana some time later today.Kaieteur News understands that Desmond was serving a two-year sentence for a drug offence and was expected to be release some time in September of this year. In the meantime, relatives said that they will ensure the authorities get to the bottom of the issue since they find it difficult to come to grips that their loved one was shot by another prisoner while in prison.“I don’t understand how a prisoner would have a gun in prison; that is very difficult for me to understand,Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Martin Maldonado Jersey,” Adams’s younger brother,San Diego Padres Trevor Cahill Jersey, Wilfred,Minnesota Twins Ryan Vogelsong Jersey, said. Desmond left Guyana just over two years ago to join his family business of boat building in the neighbouring country.A source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Ministry has received a report of the incident from the man’s relatives. The source added that the Ministry has since contacted its counterparts in Venezuela and is awaiting a comprehensive report on the incident.

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