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Mike Montgomery Cubs Jersey Bharrat Jagdeo









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發表於 2017-5-7 01:29:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– as Trade Unionist takes Gov’t to task for unfulfilled promisesJust 10 days shy of the one year anniversary of the historic General and Regional Elections that ushered the coalition government into power, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo shared a podium once again with Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary of the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) as part of the May 1 Labour day rally.It was a different atmosphere yesterday at the National Park, however, as Lewis took the Government to task over workers’ rights. For his part, Nagamootoo repeated several initiatives that government is embarking on to benefit public sector workers including $50.4B set aside for wages and salaries in the budget.“In this 2016 budget, government has set aside $43.8B for wages and salaries,Johnny Pesky Red Sox Jersey,” Nagamootoo said, to thunderous cheers. “And $6.6B for benefits and allowances. The allocation is in the budget. The question is, whether you will allow the due process to take its course.”Reminding the crowd of the problems which the government inherited, Nagamootoo pointed to measures like the threshold increases as evidence of Government’s commitment to Public Servants.“It is this government which has decided to reform the Public Service,Nellie Fox White Sox Jersey,” he said. “And part of the reformation of the Public Service is not only a college, but to evaluate what you do and then have a Commission do stratification of job responsibilities and assignments so that you can be compensated in accordance with your work.”“After that report is received, we shall be dealing with the labour unions. This government is committed to pay salary increases for 2016, after the submission of that report. Instead of one off (increases), an arrangement that goes beyond wages and salaries.”Nagamootoo stated that Public Servants need incentives, scholarships, land, housing, recreation and to be treated as human beings. He also promised that the government would return to merit awards.“Those who are professional in what they do and work honestly, they should be rewarded. The Ministry of Social Protection must not only be concerned with labour issues,Jim Rice Red Sox Jersey, but the all round protection of our workers.”“They must look into housing for workers, health, environmental safety, sexual harassment, child labour, trafficking and domestic violence. I am proud to be associated with my colleague (Minister) Volda Lawrence.”Trade Unions’ concernsVocalTrade Union leader, Lincoln Lewis,Todd Frazier White Sox Jersey, in his address to the workers yesterday raised several concerns, chief among which was the fact that despite promises to restore Collective Bargaining after being elected, the new government has not manifested this. Lewis, who was fierce in his criticism, referred to the Harold Lutchman Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the Public Service.He made it clear that it was unreasonable for government to tell the thousands of Public Servants that they have to wait on the Commission’s report before Collective Bargaining, a constitutional right, is observed.“The right for Collective Bargaining is protected under Article 147 of the Guyana Constitution,Nomar Garciaparra Red Sox Jersey,” he said. “You don’t tell me that I have to wait until next month to get my rights respected. The government is called on to commence negotiations for wages and salaries with the GPSU. These negotiations have nothing to do with the work of the Public Service Commission.”Describing it as postulation on the part of the government, Lewis stated that not engaging in Collective Bargaining was a breach of Section 23:01 of the Trade Union Recognition Act.“They have to treat with the Unions in good faith! That’s what the law says. There is nothing, including a Commission, which supersedes this law. It is time to bring an end to the more than a decade long contempt of the law.”People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee, who represented the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, also spoke to the gathering. His address, during which he called on the government to respect workers’ rights,Anthony Rizzo Cubs Jersey, was marred by consistent booing and heckling from the crowd.

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