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發表於 2017-5-7 04:27:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President David Granger has urged a regional bloc of Latin American countries to stand by Guyana against Venezuela’s claims.During the Brazilian summit which ended yesterday MERCOSUR also agreed to host an August meeting to specifically discuss the simmering issue which has raised tensions between Guyana and Venezuela, two trading partners.Touching on the controversy with Venezuela, Granger in his address noted that the continent is one of peace. “We seek cordial relations with the countries of the continent,” said Granger before calling on Mercosur to express support of his country.The summit closed with speeches by regional leaders who said integration must be aimed at improving the lives of people.The heads of states from the MERCOSUR sub-regional bloc assembled in the capital of Brazil Friday for its 48th summit. They affirmed their support for the progressive direction that the bloc has taken in recent years and called for a model of regional integration that is aimed not just at improving trade, but also at improving the lives of people, according to Venezuela’s media house, Telesur.With the wave of progressive presidents elected in the region over the past decade, the orientation of MERCOSUR had taken a decidedly leftist direction, reflected in the interventions made by regional leaders during the summit.Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff as President Pro-Tempore of the bloc presided over the meeting. In her introductory remarks, praised the work of MERCOSUR, noting that inter-regional trade had grown 12 times since the bloc was created, in spite of the ongoing and persistent economic crisis in the world.“We defend the democratization of global institutions, the political as well as the economic,” said Rousseff. The Brazilian President spoke of the need to continue promoting trade among members of Mercosur, saying, “Our principal task is to strengthen inter-regional trade.” However Rousseff also called on regional leaders to increase trade with countries outside the region.She also spoke about the profound democratic changes the region has undergone since emerging from the era of dictatorships, where many countries in the region were ruled by military dictatorships backed by the United States.“We must continue on the path (of dialogue). There is no room for anti-democratic adventures in our region.”Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, echoed the comments made by his Brazilian counterpart, who said there were some who were stuck in the ways of the past and wished to see the removal of leftist leaders. “They cannot make us disappear. We are a reality and a democratic and inclusive project,” said President Maduro.The Venezuelan President also praised the role played by MERCOSUR in an increasingly multi-polar world, saying that this realignment of political forces in the world was both “urgent and possible.”The assembled leaders formally welcomed Bolivia into the sub-regional bloc, giving Bolivian President Evo Morales a standing ovation.Outgoing Argentine President Cristina Fernandez was also honoured in the same fashion. President Morales said that more than a purely economic tool,China NFL Jerseys, Bolivia hope the bloc will help to “integrate in the commercial, social, cultural and territorial spheres,” adding integration should be at the service of the needs of the people and benefit them. The heads of state and government also heard directly from social movements who participated in the Social Summit of Mercosur with a representative reading and delivering the final declaration directly to leaders. After the conclusion of speeches by regional leaders, the pro-tempore presidency was formally passed to Paraguay who accepted the proposal to host both the summit of Mercosur and UNASUR together.Meanwhile, the Prensa Latina online news reported that Rousseff yesterday met with Granger, before the start of the summit.The private meeting with Granger was the first activity of the day for Rousseff.The dialogue was held at the Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Venezuela in recent times upped its age old claims on Essequibo, Guyana’s largest country, following the discovery of oil by US-owned ExxonMobil in Guyana’s waters.Venezuela is also claiming the waters where the oil was discovered, issuing instructions for its gunships to patrol there.With regards to land and maritime space of Guyana, Venezuela is claiming around 159,000 square kilometers.

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