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發表於 2017-5-7 06:30:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Financing arrangements to wrap up by end of event At the end of this year’s International Building Expo, 1,000 potential homeowners would not only secure their house lots but would have accessed financing from financial institutions to erect their dream homes.This was according to Housing Minister,wholesale jerseys, Irfaan Ali, at the opening ceremony last evening on the tarmac of the National Stadium, Providence. The tarmac was transformed into a market place for goods and services in the building and construction sector, financial sector and home furnishings.“Silica City”, the exposition’s centre piece symbolizes a significant stride for the housing sector as it seeks to provide residential and commercial development simultaneously among hills and valleys. This initiative is as a direct result of limited land on the coastland.Kuru Kururu has been identified as the community the Ministry wants to open-up for this transformative development along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. Selling the idea of “Silica City” as a desirable location Ali said Kuru Kururu is 43 kilometres away from the Demerara Harbour Bridge,cheap nfl jerseys online, 37 kilometres away from Diamond and 11 kilometres away from Splashmins.Ali said that with the right infrastructure and public transport system this investment could be done in a sustainable manner.Inviting interested persons to be part of this new development, Ali said that the Ministry is willing to listen to ideas to create the right incentives and environment for investments.According to the Minister, Government is in discussions with a number of off shore universities that want to be established in Guyana. This would provide the opportunity to benefit from education on tourism,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, with thousands of foreign students coming to Guyana,cheap nfl jerseys, he added.Directing his attention on the building and construction sector, which has benefited tremendously from Guyana’s housing boom, he said that Guyana needs to push ahead with major contracts such as the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, construction of the Marriott Hotel and East Coast and East Bank Demerara four-lane roads expansion projects.He said that not many could measure the trickle down benefits of the construction sector. The construction of the Ministry’s Young Professional Homes employs more than 600 young Guyanese.“And we are proud to say that more than 40 Guyanese who returned from Barbados are working on the young professional homes,” he said.Chairman of the Private Sector Commission,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, Ronald Webster, also praised the building and construction sector for contributing to economic growth and development.According to Webster, the theme of this year’s exposition “Consolidating Partnerships for Sustainable Development” is most apt since this event, “which is a harmonious and positive collaboration between the public and private sectors that results in a wider choice for consumers whether they are seeking to build or expand a home or simply to enhance an existing dwelling”.He said that the construction industry stimulates economic activities, provides employment and provides investment benefits.Providing an insight into housing in Guyana, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds emphasized the journey to a transformative housing sector from haphazard squatting to ones where house lots are allocated through a system.He stressed that when the PPP/C Government took office regularizing squatting settlements was one of its main tasks. Areas that were being eyed as prime squatting locations were developed by Government as housing schemes. And, Government has reached a level where it could provide already constructed houses on lands for citizens.More than 100 exhibitors, including companies from United States of America, Canada, China,wholesale jerseys china, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil and Malaysia are participating in this year’s event that is slated to conclude on Sunday.

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