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Blake Swihart Red Sox Jersey she insisted









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發表於 2017-5-7 20:59:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A life overwhelmed by abuse,Billy Williams Cubs Jersey, coupled with unemployment,Frank Thomas White Sox Jersey, has left a young mother hoping to not only find refuge for herself and four-year-old son but also employment if they are to survive at least over the next few months.The 34-year-old woman, who requested anonymity, related a distressing tale of her life experience and claims that she simply is desirous of having a decent life where she could be able to ensure that her son is able to eat properly and attend school regularly.A young child in need of stabilityHer son is currently attending a nursery school but due to her circumstances she said that she is unable to send him every day. 鈥淚 just can鈥檛 afford to send him to school every day鈥 don鈥檛 have work and his father doesn鈥檛 support us anymore,John Lackey Cubs Jersey,鈥� the distraught woman revealed.She disclosed that despite the abusive nature of her child鈥檚 father over the past few years she was determined to maintain an amicable relationship so as to ensure that the child was taken care of. However,Joe Maddon Cubs Jersey, she insisted, yesterday that 鈥淚 just can鈥檛 tek it anymore鈥︹�漇he explained that paternal support for her son was halted after she sought to resist the abusive hand of the man. The lack of support soon saw her being forced to vacate an apartment which she was able to rent on the West Coast of Demerara.聽 She accepted lodging at some friends in order to secure herself from the brutal hands of her child鈥檚 father, but revealed yesterday that she might have overstayed her welcome.鈥淚 know I couldn鈥檛 stay with them forever鈥hey were kind enough to take me and my son for the past few months but I really need a place to stay and be able to take care of my son too,鈥� the woman noted.She claims that she has since visited the Ministry of Human Services which has been providing her with monthly public assistance to the tune of $5,500.聽 However,Mookie Betts Red Sox Jersey, the small sum has proven to be insufficient to cater to the needs of both herself and son.聽 She said too that she has been trying to seek refuge at a shelter but was told that the service was not available to her but mainly for sick persons or those from interior locations.It is for this reason the woman said that she is appealing to the public not just for handouts but rather for employment so that she could become self-sufficient.鈥淚 would prefer if somebody could offer me a live-in work for now where I can keep my son鈥 am hard working and I could wash and clean鈥 am very desperate for work,鈥� the woman related as tears welled in her eyes.Director of the Child Protection Agency, Ann Greene in an invited comment yesterday, acknowledged that her organization has been rendering some support to the woman with efforts made time and again to find employment for her.鈥淲e have been giving her support鈥� I have even taken money out of my pocket to help this lady鈥e have even been providing her with clothes for her son to attend school,David Ortiz Red Sox Jersey,鈥� Greene disclosed.She too is of the first belief that the woman should not be surviving on handouts as was customary in the past but rather steady employment.And should a job be available to this young woman she can be contacted on 614-6735.

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