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Bobby Jenks White Sox Jersey who has been firepower at these talks









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…as climate talks enter fresh phaseFrom Neil Marks in CopenhagenThe UN climate talks end here in Copenhagen today and there is an even clearer indication that no legally binding agreement will emerge, but there was some hope of something good when the European Union and Africa proposed a US$100 billion fund to help poor countries.Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, said the US will help to build the fund. It was the first time the US has publicly stated support for a long-term global funding to help the developing world cope with climate change.However, Clinton failed to provide specifics on how much the US would contribute to this fund.“The finance announcement today cannot be allowed to paper over or ‘greenwash’ any shortcomings in the final outcome of the Summit,” said international organization Greenpeace, adding that she also continued to resist and duck calls for a legally binding agreement, announcing instead that the US wants an operational accord in Copenhagen and a politically binding agreement in 2010.Negotiators yesterday decided to make a fresh start and come up with a plan of action.At the behest of the President of the Conference, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, negotiators decided to divide themselves into two contact groups that will be chaired by Danish Minister and former president of the conference, Connie Hedegaard.  These two contact groups were in turn split up into different groups to iron out the “make or break” issues.The recommendations of these two groups will then form the basis of the text that will be provided to world leaders today. To work that through,Cheap Jerseys, the leaders will need at least 6-8 hours. It means this meeting could drag on well beyond Friday and into Saturday morning before an outcome is announced.Along with this is uncertainty of whether US President Barack Obama will attend the talks. He has said he is coming, but quizzed by the media his top diplomat,Cheap Jerseys From China, Hillary Clinton, was not definitive. Clinton said: “He is planning to come; we hope there will be something to come for.”British Prime Minister Gordon Brown gave the clearest indication yet that these talks will end in failure, but with a plan nonetheless. In a speech to the conference, he proposed that a legally binding agreement be agreed to in six months to a year and build on the existing international climate treaty, the Kyoto Protocol.But the plan includes targets for developed countries and developing countries as well.The President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who has been firepower at these talks, said there was no text from the Danish presidency for world leaders to deliberate on today.But Gordon Brown put on the table what could come out of a political agreement here in Copenhagen and provides the biggest hope yet that something tangible could come out of Copenhagen.He proposed that rich countries commit to immediate finance for developing countries starting from January 2010 of US$10 billion annually over the next three years. As for long term financing, the goal is for the developed world to provide US$100 billion dollar a year. He said these funds would come from international and national budgets.The US$100 billion fund was announced by the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU) Wednesday afternoon.Speaking at a joint press conference in Copenhagen, chairman of the African Union Meles Zenawithe, EU president Fredrik Reinfeldt and European Commission President Barroso called for the fund as necessary for climate action in developing countries by 2020.Greenpeace EU policy director Joris den Balnken said: “Money for climate action in developing countries is a make or break issue in these negotiations. Support from the EU for this African proposal clearly increases pressure on US President Obama to recognise the need for long-term funding in Copenhagen.”The EU and the AU said that the funding should start by 2013 and reach $50 billion dollars a year by 2015 and $100 billion dollars a year by 2020.Climate funding has been a persistent sticking point in the run up to the Copenhagen climate summit. Without the promise of adequate financial support, developing countries will be unable to reduce their growth in emissions. The funding is designed to help developing countries protect forests, invest in cleaner and more efficient industries, and adapt to the already unavoidable impacts of climate change.For the funding to flow,NFL Jerseys Supply, Gordon Brown said, in recognition of their common but differentiated responsibilities,Wholesale China Jerseys, developing countries commit to nationally appropriate mitigation actions at their highest possible level of ambition, achieving a significant reduction from business as usual and standing behind their actions as developed countries must stand behind their emissions caps.However, he said there must be decision in Copenhagen to how these funds would be raised, including from innovative financing mechanisms, and with fair and effective arrangements for managing these flows.“My talks this week convince me that while the challenges we face are difficult and testing,NFL Jerseys From China, there is no insuperable barrier of finance, no inevitable deficit of political will, no insurmountable wall of division that need prevent us from rising to the needed common purpose and (the plan) reaching agreement now,” Brown said.His plan includes a long term goal of a global temperature increase by 2050 of “no more than 2 degrees.”He recommended also that on the way to an emissions cut of at least 80 per cent by 2050, all developed countries move to their highest possible level of ambition for 2020.The Copenhagen agreed outcome need not resolve all details, but it must provide clarity on four key issues.The first is clarity on the mid-term emission reduction targets that industrialised countries will commit to. Second, there must be clarity on the actions that developing countries could undertake to limit their greenhouse gas emissions.Third, it must define stable and predictable financing to help the developing world reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the inevitable effects of climate.And finally, it must identify institutions that will allow technology and finance to be deployed in a way that treats the developing countries as equal partners in the decision-making process.Copenhagen is to result both in a post-2012 outcome as well as important decisions and start-up finance to immediately kick-start action on climate change in 2010.

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