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Starlin Castro Cubs Jersey Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana









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發表於 2017-5-8 16:24:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A state-of-the-art dairy plant is to become operational within a year,Andre Dawson Cubs Jersey, Government announced yesterday.The disclosure was made following a meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture, which included Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Dr. Nicole Giles, and a delegation of Canadian farmers.Areas of cooperation were drafted which will shape and form the initial cooperation among the two countries.Guyana’ dairy and small ruminant industries are also to receive a major boost through technical and other assistance from Canadian farmers, as a result of the meeting.Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, and Canadian High Commissioner, Dr Nicole Giles, flanked by Canadian farmers and IICA’s Representative in Canada, Audia Barnette.The initiatives are to be realised through a Government to Government collaboration facilitated by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).Speaking at the end of the meeting, High Commissioner Giles expressed delight at the outcome of the meeting,Bo Jackson White Sox Jersey, describing it as productive. “The commitment that we have certainly made is to have a plan; to do so within one year, but we all agree that we don’t want perfection to be the enemy of progress and that we will work together on a step by step basis to come up with a comprehensive approach from data management to production, to quality to market,” she said.With respect to high quality systems and enhanced technology, Giles stated that the Canadian agricultural industry has a lot to offer.Shortly, a team will be established which will comprise various sectors and will be working to have the plan fully developed.“The Canadian High Commission is also pleased and proud of the showing from the Canadian agricultural sector here at the Caribbean Week of Agriculture and we are also pleased with the outcome of this meeting, and I would once again like to thank all the participants from the Canadian Agricultural Industry for coming down to Guyana and for participating in these discussions,James Shields White Sox Jersey,” the High Commissioner said.Meanwhile,Jim Rice Red Sox Jersey, Ramsammy in welcoming the move,Carlos Zambrano Cubs Jersey, said that the establishment of a dairy industry in Guyana is crucial and something which will be well received by society at large, especially farmers.“We are very happy to be collaborating with Canadian farmers…Canadian farmers have ensured that Canadians are not only well fed, but Canada is one of the world’s leading exporters. Guyana can benefit enormously from Canada,” he said.Lloyd Wicks, an Ontario farmer who headed the delegation on their first meeting with Minister Ramsammy pointed out that the collaboration will pave the way for Canada to introduce some of the mechanisms at present being used by Guyanese farmers.According to Wicks, Trent University, Canada is also part of this collaboration with respect to research and will be working hand-in-hand to ensure that high quality genetics are developed.“There is tremendous potential for improved genetics with a new management system to have a significant impact on the wider dairy industry, but in particular on individuals,” he said.Technical officers from the Agriculture Ministry will also be working with the Canadian Farmers Association to strengthen Guyana’s improved breeding programme, particularly its artificial insemination and embryo transfer programme.When completed,China Jerseys Free Shipping, this will see Guyana benefiting from the transfer of frozen embryos and semen for its insemination programme which will significantly lower the cost of acquiring genetic stocks.

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