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– dead man might have been courier of grenade – Top Cop In the aftermath of the explosion in which one man died and 19 people were injured outside the Stabroek Market yesterday, law enforcement authorities swooped down on the area and forcibly dismantled several illegal stalls with the aim of eliminating the safe havens for criminals and their activities.Home Affairs Minister,NFL Jerseys From China, Clement Rohee, at a hastily arranged press conference at his office last night, said that some people might be cynical and point out that the administration had to wait for something like this to happen before decisive action is taken.“It’s not that nothing was being done…From time to time action was being taken to bring some form of order to the area. Now that this has happened, we recognize that people who move around that area…it could put their lives in danger,” the Minister said.Police Commissioner Henry Greene, who also shared the press conference,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, pointed out though that despite the work being down by the police and other law enforcement agencies in the Stabroek Market area,Cheap Jerseys From China, no firearms have been found there within recent times.“After we started our operations it became known that we were around and I think that some of what was happening has reduced, even though it has not stopped,” Green said.Meanwhile,Wholesale China Jerseys, the man whose hand was blown off and face badly disfigured by the explosion might have been a courier for the sale of the explosive device, according to the Police Commissioner.This is one of the theories that investigators are working on as they probe the circumstances that led to the ugly scene in downtown Georgetown yesterday morning.According to Commissioner Greene, upon examination of the scene of the incident, it is clear that the device was in the possession of the dead man.He explained that the man’s hands from his elbow down was amputated,Cheap Jerseys, parts of which could not be found, and his face was badly damaged.“There were no eyes. His eyes were blown out completely. We found finger and fingernail in the ceiling of the structure under which he was found.The left side abdomen had marks which all suggest that everything happened within that vicinity.”Greene said that as a matter of fact, crime scene investigators found 50 pieces of fragments in the ceiling, eight of which had green paint, which enabled them to conclude that the explosive device was indeed a fragmentation grenade.However investigators have so far been unable to locate the pin or lever of the device. “It’s a most unfortunate situation. it could have caused more damage to other persons…This ‘American’…it would appear as though he had this thing in his hands, either waiting to sell or whatever he might have been doing, we’re not sure but he had to play with it to pull the pin,” the Police Commissioner said.Greene explained that the area where the incident occurred is ideal for the sale of firearms and other illegal items and investigators believe that the dead man was one of the persons being used for such purposes,NFL Jerseys Authentic,” not realizing the danger to himself and thus causing his demise.”Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said that investigators have completely ruled out that the device was thrown or lobbed into a crowd.He said that it has been confirmed that it was in the hands of the dead man whose name was given as America, when it was detonated.“Whether he was given the device or found it, is a matter for speculation at this point in time. It is anticipated that these speculations will be clarified in the course of the investigations,” the Home Affairs Minister said.Both Greene and Rohee are convinced that despite the efforts of the law enforcement agencies to ‘clean up’ the Stabroek Market area, more needs to be done to eliminate criminal activities there.Among the illegal activities identified are the illegal buying and selling of gold, the snatching of cellular phones, the sale and rental of arms and the sale of ammunition.According to the Minister, the administration has a responsibility to ensure that the danger posed to legitimate persons in the Stabroek Market area is eliminated.He said that it is in the interest of public-spirited persons who frequent that area as well as those who vend their goods there to support whatever actions are taken by the competent authorities to ensure that it is safe and secure for the public at large.Commissioner Henry Greene also expressed concern over the fact that a device like a grenade appears to be readily available to persons of all walks of life.“It is such a dangerous thing. To have grenades floating around in this country is very, very serious and we are looking at it very, very seriously,” the Police Commissioner stated.

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