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Melky Cabrera White Sox Jersey closed door









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發表於 2017-5-9 04:42:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-threatens to ‘deal’ with officers who leak infoThe Guyana Police Force has reacted angrily to a report in this newspaper that exposed the alleged linkage between two of its senior ranks and drug dealers.The force in a press release, which was issued hours after the publication of the article, labeled the article ‘devious’ and expressed concerned about “the role of those senior officers who would have attempted to so publicise”.“The Guyana Police Force has noted with concern the attempt by Kaieteur News to regurgitate information that originated from a private meeting in the Commissioner of Police’s Conference Room and make it public,Brian Cushing College Jersey,” the police statement said.This newspaper had reported that Assistant Commissioner Steve Merai had made the revelations at a meeting chaired by Commissioner Henry Greene and attended by Divisional Commanders and other Heads of Departments.The subsequent exchange between Merai and Commissioner Greene brought to the fore,Nike Steelers #11 Markus Wheaton White Mens NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey, the alleged infiltration of the Guyana Police Force by drug dealers; allegations that are not new.Yesterday the police said that it notes with interest that quite a lot of other information come into its domain and is investigated.The Force said that some officers are in the habit of leaking information to this newspaper,Cheap Jerseys From China, and threatened to deal condignly with them for breaching the Force’s Standing Orders.“Kaieteur News however chooses to selectively publicise those bits of information which are not relevant to any of those officers/ranks who leak information so often to the press…Once again the selective bias of Kaieteur News against certain Officers who it cannot buy out is noted,Marcus Allen College Jersey,” the police press release stated.A few months ago Police Commissioner Henry Greene re-invoked the police standing orders that prohibited several senior officers from speaking to the media.However,Junior Seau College Jersey, this decision has obviously backfired.In relation to matters discussed at the private (closed door) meeting of the Senior Administrative Officers,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar UCLA Jersey, the Force said that it will not divulge or respond to the allegations made in the Kaieteur News.“Suffice it to say that we continuously investigate all acts of impropriety and crime perpetrated by our members,” the release added.

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