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Blake Swihart Red Sox Jersey Devika’









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發表於 2017-5-9 09:44:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…sets house afire, attempts suicideLess than 24 hours after a gruesome murder in the city, another was recorded, this time at Garden of Eden,Cheap Jerseys Free, East Bank Demerara.Around 09:00 hours, yesterday, 38 year-old Susilla Latchman called ‘Devika’ of Lot 48 Garden of Eden was brutally chopped to death by her husband, 45-year-old Satchitanand Latchman. After chopping his wife, the man then ingested a poisonous substance and set fire to their two-storeyed home.Up to press time yesterday doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital were still battling to save the man’s life. He also sustained burns about his body. He had opted to remain in the burning building but the heat and flames chased him out.A relative told this publication the couple has been having domestic problems for almost a year now. The man has been accusing his wife of infidelity. Yesterday they were heard quarrelling at the top of their voices,Willson Contreras Cubs Jersey, just before people saw the woman tottering from the house with blood spurting from a wound in her neck.Some said that they saw the man with a cutlass in his hand chopping his wife under their house. They stood and looked on helplessly screaming for the man to stop.According to neighbours, one of whom is the man’s brother, Suresh, after the man realised that his wife who was at the time lying on the ground, was helpless, he ran into the house, grabbed a bottle of what persons suspect to be gramozone and drank. He then set fire to the building.After staying in the burning building for a while the man then emerged with burns about his body.“Like after the fire catch he, like de heat was too much so he run out de house and just lay down in the grass, and some people went and pull away he wife body from near de house because she woulda get burn up too,” Suresh Latchman said.Meanwhile, the couple’s eldest child,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, Nanda Manbahal, 23, said that her parents have been married for almost 25 years and over the years they have had problems any couple would have. However,Fred Lynn Red Sox Jersey, since the beginning of the year she said the issues between her parents got ugly after it was brought to her father’s attention that her mother was having an affair.The man’s brother described him as sickly. He said that Satchitanand Latchman was a diabetic, hypertensive and suffered from other ailments.Their daughter said,David Price Red Sox Jersey, “They would never fight but they quarreled a lot. They tried counseling and a welfare officer was trying to resolve the problem but daddy couldn’t take it.”Dead 38 year-old Susilla Latchman 45-year-old Satchitanand Latchman.The woman related that her parents at one point both decided a divorce was the best thing since the arguments got worse and from all indication her mother wanted out of the relationship.“The welfare people tell them that counseling would help and they will not allow them to get the divorce…Daddy was going to move out because he kept hearing and seeing things that mommy was doing.”Manbahal said that the welfare people told the couple that if the father decided to leave then the property would have been split in half.“After they tell daddy that he said that no the house is for his children…my father wanted his family. Is six of us and daddy worked hard to support his family and to give us a decent home,” the young woman related.“My family prays…we fast and talk to God and try to do what is right and a day like today this is what we have to deal with…A mother is the most precious thing we can have no matter what kind of person she is she is our mother…Why this and why today,Javier Baez Cubs Jersey,” the woman wept.The police said that they were called to the home on many occasions. Only recently, one rank said that he had to remove the husband from the premises in handcuffs.Residents of the area said that they did not manage to save anything from the burning building as they were afraid of the husband whom they believed was still armed with the cutlass. A unit from the Guyana Fire Service arrived on the scene some time later and tried its best to save the building. Its efforts were in vain.Husband’s added frustrationMeanwhile, another close relative of the family said they never expected such a tragedy to face them. The relative told this publication that Mr. Latchman was a very hard working man who did all he could to make a better life for his wife and six children.The man built his family

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