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Babe Ruth Red Sox Jersey the Finance Minister pointed to the Guyana Power Light









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發表於 2017-5-9 21:21:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As crude oil costs continue to tumble on the world market, some countries are already enjoying lower gas prices. In Guyana the cost to fuel up at gas stations has remained the same, however, and the government says while it will look to review the prices,Wholesale Jerseys, it is remaining cautious.“You don’t want a yoyo-situation,Nike Eagles #91 Fletcher Cox Black Mens Stitched NFL Elite Pro Line Gold Collection Jersey, up-down,Chris Paul Wake Forest Jersey, up-down. We are reviewing the prices and trends and if the outlook is for prices to remain low then we will reduce the price as was done on previous occasions. If it (low prices) is a temporary aberration, however, then we wouldn’t,Tim Duncan Wake Forest Jersey,” said Minister of Finance Winston Jordan in response to questions on possibly lower fuel prices.The price of a barrel of crude oil averaged $52.41 last week — down $5.51 from a week earlier and $7.68 lower than the highest weekly average this year. Some analysts believe oil prices could slip to around $50 per barrel this week, US media outlets report.Experts have told US media outlets that the price of crude oil is the biggest driving factor in gas prices right now. Since it has been falling consistently, gas prices have been following suit in countries like the United States.Currently, most US states offer gas at prices between US$2 (G$400) and US$3 (G$600) dollars per gallon. Only six states are charging a little over US$3.When the Finance Minister spoke to Kaieteur News recently he commented that the world prices have been fluctuating and as a result a few weeks back “the margins at GuyOil almost went to zero. They were literally buying gas and selling it back at the same thing. They weren’t making any margins and they pleaded with us to make a movement upwards.”Notwithstanding the plea of the national fuel-providing company,Chris Paul College Jersey, the Finance Minister informed that the government held out. “One has to be careful because it goes up and come down,” the Minister added.He said the prices of fuel are constantly under review. “We will take a look at it this week and see if it holds and then I will ask GuyOil to take a look at it” the Minister said.Further, the Finance Minister pointed to the Guyana Power Light (GPL) which, when the price for a barrel of crude oil tumbled, the officials argued that though they were being heavily subsidized, they were running deficits and were using the increase to stave off past deficits before agreeing to a price reduction.“When the prices are lower you have to give some latitude for the companies to recoup losses that they have made previously before they actually make a sudden reduction in the price,Cheap Uconn Huskies Jerseys,” the Minister noted.In January as pressure mounted on the then Government, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to reduce prices at GuyOil and the Ministry of Finance had announced that gasoline and diesel would be reduced at the pump by 30 percent.

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