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Mahadeo said









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發表於 2017-5-10 16:43:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The stolen motor car (PJJ 2301) which was recovered in an Enmore body shop is, according to the owner, brand new and did not need any sort of repainting.This statement implicates the spray painter, and provides some linkage to the police’s suspicion that the spray painter may be part of a motor car stealing ring, according to a police rank.According to the owner of the motor car, Vijai Mahadeo, he bought the motor car approximately five months ago from a man who resides in Canal Number One. This resident was reportedly the first owner of the motorcar.Since the car was in such perfect condition, Mahadeo said, it made no sense that someone would have wanted to repaint the motor car.“Everything on de motor car was new, it didn’t need no kind of painting,” explained Mahadeo.He added that he was surprised that the men working at the body shop where the car was taken did not suspect that something was amiss when the vehicle was brought in to be repainted, given that the motor car was not in need of repainting.The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the West Demerara police reportedly explained to Mahadeo that they (CID) needed to keep the motor car impounded to do their investigations, but added that when the matter is called in court, the motor car will be returned to him.The vehicle is currently in the compound of the La Grange Police Station.“Everything is in de hands of de police now. I don’t know when I gun geh de motor car back.”Mahadeo said that no one had yet informed him when the matter will be taken to court.A bodywork and spray painting expert of Beezie, Enmore, has been detained by police on the East Coast of Demerara after the stolen car was discovered in his workshop, apparently already stripped and ready to be sprayed.The car was reportedly stolen on Tuesday, while it was parked on the roadway at Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara.According to the detained man (spray painter), the stolen vehicle was brought to his workshop on Wednesday night by a man from Better Hope.

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