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發表於 2017-5-10 18:57:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Startling revelations have been made as more information concerning an incident published in yesterday’s publication surfaced.The incident allegedly occurred in front of “Pet Boy’s” at Howes and Ketley Streets,Javon Hargrave Steelers Jersey, Charlestown.According to some residents in the area,Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey, the man identified as Lennox Junior Niles,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey, who was supposedly “assaulted by three men and robbed” was armed with a cutlass,Sean Davis Steelers Jersey, and attacked a minibus driver.They said that the attacker was dealt with several blows from the driver with the assistance of a few passengers.One eye-witness told Kaieteur News that the route #43 (Linden) minibus was in the flow of traffic when Niles along with a friend on his motorcycle approached the vehicle from the opposite direction.Niles, they said, was armed with a cutlass and as he came into close proximity of the mini-bus, he began firing chops at the driver.What Niles wasn’t aware of,Artie Burns Steelers Jersey,was the fact that the driver had a chopper by the side of his door and he retaliated by firing chops at Niles some of which  landed on his helmet and caused him to fall to the ground.One man told this newspaper that the Linden minibus seemed to be “full with arrogant people”  because the driver as well as a few other men emerged from the bus in hot pursuit of Niles who was on his feet trying to make his escape.His friend on the motorcycle had sped away and had left Niles to face the fire.Kaieteur News understands that Niles tried to run out of Howes Street. He failed to escape because persons from the route #43 mini-bus who were pursuing him, caught hold of him and began hitting him mercilessly,Lawrence Timmons Steelers Jersey, using a big brick to hit him on his face and body.The mini-bus driver attacked him with the chopper and wounded him below his right knee and the men would have continued beating Niles had it not been for residents who ran out to part the fight.It was reported that Niles then managed to scramble his way to Kaieteur News on Saffon Street as the men returned to their parked vehicle and continued their journey.One man said,Ben Roethlisberger Steelers Jersey, “Ah dunno if is some problem dem had,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, but it sure look suh. Dat man is a regular fuh thiefing stories.”When Kaieteur News visited the area yesterday morning, some men who live in the area stated that Niles was not in the vicinity of “Pet Boy’s,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey,” neither drinking with friends there nor did the incident take place in front of the drinking spot.

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