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Waking up to the smell of pepperpot and freshly baked bread









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發表於 2017-5-10 19:47:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Kiana Wilburg When it comes to Christmas gifts, there is certainly a divide where kids are concerned. While there is an ever-growing evolution of the “tangible expectations”, there are others who care equally about the love that is greatly manifested during this season.During the late 1990’s, one of the most favoured toys for boys in Guyana was toy soldiers, and Barbie dolls for girls. And according to several businessmen, these toys ranged from $2000 to $6000.However, the gift choices this year for some kids can cost as much as $80,000.After interviewing several children across the country, some of them expressed what they hope would be under the Christmas tree for them this year. Their expectations range from Samsung cellular phones to digital cameras and even professional paint sets.Even more interesting is the fact that the parents of some of these children informed me that they will definitely try their best to give their charges the best for Christmas, regardless of what that “best” may cost.I spoke to a young lad who said that he would be really upset with his parents if they did not get him a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for Christmas even though he already has an Iphone.Some parents would ‘bend over backwards’ to the extent of taking out a loan in order to meet the expectations of their children at Christmas as “Barbie dolls” and “fire trucks” no longer have the “X- factor,” for some.There are several factors which are responsible for this evolution. The influx of technology and varying sources of the mass media are two of them.However, on a different side of the spectrum, some children do not care only for tangible gifts. Instead, it’s the family traditions they look forward to ; Waking up to the smell of pepperpot and freshly baked bread, helping mom and/or dad decorate the house with colourful garlands, and eating meals together as a family.For them, these are the most priceless gifts.With the rising cost of living, expensive gifts can most certainly put a strain on the budget.And while all parents would most certainly wish to get their children their heart’s desires, sometimes focusing on providing strong family values during this season may be equally, if not more beneficial.Take for example Terry King of Callender Street, Albouystown, who turned eight years old last month. He said, “When mommy cook up peppapot and bake cheese roll and suh I does be really happy but sometimes daddy does want go out by the rum shop and sport with uncle ‘big foot’ and mommy does go lie down pon de bed and cry. I don’t want eat till mommy eat. All I does want is mommy and daddy to be good cuz when they do that we does get to sit down and watch tv (television).”Eleven year -old Georgie Matthis of South Ruimveldt said that his only expectation at Christmas is the presence of his parents.They live and work in the United States whilst he is left in the care of a guardian who does not celebrate the event.Matthis said, “Auntie buys me really nice things but last year when she got me a new bicycle I didn’t ride it. Dad and Mom couldn’t make it home in time and I wanted to wait until they were here with me, to see me take the first ride. My auntie does not like Christmas… I feel sad when mommy doesn’t get to come home in time. It really hurts when they are not here. When they are with me I feel very happy because mommy wakes me up on Christmas morning, bathes me, tells me she loves me and feeds me pepperpot and bread that she order from the shop. Mommy don’t like cook. But I like how I feel when she feed me and when we open presents together.”Another example is that of Kessy Singh who lives with her nana (grandfather) in a very humble home in Sophia.The 10 year-old said, “I never got a gift for Christmas but every year nana shows me how to make something new. I really look forward to it. Last year he showed me how to make ginger beer and I just excited. I don’t know what we making this year but I like when nana does put on oldies in the kitchen and an old song name ‘pretty blues’ come on and he does waltz with me. It does be fun. I like cook new things with him. That is the best Christmas gift to me.”With these examples in mind, I feel compelled to remind that even as we celebrate this season of giving, it is also important to remember that it is also a season of revering and enhancing family bonds and values .

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