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which is a few villages away from where the accident occurred.The dead man









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發表於 2017-5-10 19:51:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Doodnauth Persaud, 23, of lot 2 Block 1 Sherry Plot, La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara, became the latest road fatality after he was hit off his CG motorcycle by a car driven by a policeman on Saturday night. He died Tuesday night.The accident occurred in the vicinity of Guyoil Fuel station on the LBI public road.Eye witnesses related to his family, that the young man who was hit off his bike landed in the corner of the walkway. His helmet was found several yards from where he was lying.The unconscious man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with severe brain damage. He died without regaining consciousness.On Tuesday, health personnel contacted Persaud’s family about his death.He was the second of three children.The dead man’s father said that he last saw his son around 19:30 hours on Saturday when he and his best friend left on their motor cycles to attend a function at Mon Repos, which is a few villages away from where the accident occurred.The dead man, prior to his death, was riding in the company of a friend who was on another motorcycle.The friend related that when he did not hear the roaring sound of Persaud’s cycle he opted to stop.That was when he discovered that his friend was involved in an accident.“He friend was riding in front of he and he said that when he did not hear my son’s bike sound behind him, he decided to stop…only to see Persaud lying on the road,” added the grieving father.The man stated that he was at home with the rest of his family when a friend called around 10:00 pm to notify him about the accident.But upon his arrival on the scene, his son was already taken to the hospital.A woman, who is employed at the fuel station, told the family that after Persaud was lashed off his motorcycle, the policeman came out of his car and proclaimed that  he did not “see dat man.”The policeman was reportedly heading to the city in his car. He was held minutes after the accident but was later released on station bail.Kaieteur News was made to understand that the driver was charged and placed before the court on Tuesday, to answer to the charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and was allowed bail.Fighting to hold back tears, the dead man’s sister said that she and Persaud shared a very close relationship and that it is difficult for her to accept his passing.“I cannot believe that my loving brother is dead; he was a very decent boy who was determined.”She stated that her brother was employed by the La Bonne Intention Sugar Estate for the past three years as a fitter mechanic.The deceased was also described by family members as a very athletic person.“The police are saying that my son was drunk when he was hit but that is not so, my son only had two alcohol beverage to drink…How come he was drunk?” lamented the father.They also feared that justice will not serve, due to his killer being a policeman.“I never like when police are investigation police…they always try to defend their own.” said the father.When Kaieteur News visited the home yesterday, several of the dead man’s colleagues were seen consoling family members.

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