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發表於 2017-5-10 23:32:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Some unflattering allegations made by a group of former employees against the Aurora Gold Mining Inc. (AGM) have given the company an opportunity to explain its position.The men made allegations of working in a “slave camp.” They said that they were made to work long hours but were not paid in full for that.One employee claimed that he worked for over 12 hours for several days, but his pay at the end of the month reflected that he was being paid for eight hours a day. The men claimed as well that they were made to do the work of several others. One cook said that, as others were laid off, he was made to cook, wash utensils and serve.The man, who is well in his 60s,Robert Alford Falcons Jersey UK, claimed that he suffered in this regard because his hands started to bother him—something he contends is an effect of dealing with the hot and cold.Another man said that he had to work in the gym,Sean Davis Steelers Jersey UK, water treatment plant, garbage disposal,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey UK, kitchen and laundry.The workers lamented that there is no union. They also made allegations of being penalized if they tried to speak up about concerns relating to working conditions.One former worker claimed that he was laid off after working four years with the company. He said that all he was given as severance was one month’s pay in lieu of notice.The workers also claimed that they were verbally abused. While some employees received termination letters, some of the workers claim that they haven’t received any official word on their employment status but were told that they cannot travel at this time.However, most of these allegations were denied when Kaieteur News contacted Guyana Gold Fields of which AGM is a subsidiary.The only allegation that the company said had truth to it regarded the worker who spoke about having to man multiple locations.Administration Manager Peter Benny told Kaieteur News that these locations are small and not much is required from the attendant in this regard.Benny said that these issues always arise whenever the company makes adjustments to the workforce. He said that most of the workers who were laid off have been temporary workers who were hired for short periods to do specific works within the operations.He said that since Last December, employees were informed that temporary works would soon end and that when it is done; the company will have to end the contracts and to get back to its budgeted strength of 554 permanent employees.He said,Dave Robinson Packers Jersey UK, however,Vic Beasley Jr Falcons Jersey UK, that “there will be new opportunities as we develop and expand but for now we have to adjust…However,Rod Woodson Steelers Jersey UK, I do understand how it feels when the opportunity to be continuously employed is not available.”With regards to the payment, Benny said that most employees are paid hourly and are paid for every hour worked with overtime premiums after the completion of eight hours.He offered to present documented support to prove the “truth” about overtime payment.“I am willing to expose each and every one of our payrolls for scrutiny as we usually do when Governmental Officers visit either from the GRA or from the NIS or the Ministry of Labour. Hence, I do hope you have that employee name who worked for 15 hours and get paid eight.”Further,New England Patriots Jerseys UK, he said, “We do not have one cook working at any time at any of our locations. At Aurora we have a workforce of over 500 employees and meals are prepared three times per day it is impossible for one cook to do such a preparation. At Buck Hall we have two cooks and a Kitchen Helper and two of them at any one time to cater for some 35 persons daily. This is a fabrication.”He said that there has not been any complaint from any of the cooks or helpers of this problem before.Benny also told Kaieteur News of a solid medical team comprising Medical Doctors and Medex at both locations “and any such complaint would have been recorded and attended.”Benny said that while there is no union,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey UK, unionization was never prevented.With regards to the slave camp allegation, Benny said, “I do not understand it. Employees enjoy a modern gym, cafeterias,Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey UK, recreational centers, a functioning Sports and Games committee, Cultural committees, Credit Union Committee, Women in Mining Committee, and a Grievance Committee which looks into matters of workers grievance with representatives elected by the workers.”He said that employees meet daily before work commence and raise issues affecting them on the job and most issues are dealt with promptly.Country Manager, Violet Smith, took deep offence of the description “slave camp.”She said, “The use of the term is unacceptable and given the historical dehumanization of persons to which the word slave refers, its use is meant to slander and place the Company in disrepute.“A visit to the Aurora Project would immediately disavow any casual observer to the maliciousness of the claim. I would like to take this opportunity to invite Ms. Rockcliffe and others in her agency to visit our facilities, and as well to suggest to the media that they direct the laid off workers to the Ministry of Labour.”

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