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發表於 2017-5-11 01:10:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Starr Computers yesterday introduced Guyana to the world’s smallest personal computer – a device that can fit in the palm of your hand.At the Company’s Head Office, Brickdam, Georgetown, President of STARR Computer, Michael Mohan, said the Intel Compute Stick PC is truly remarkable with a quad-core processor and a choice of operating systems and an Antivirus Plus for comprehensive protection from Trojans, viruses and spyware.Mohan said the Compute Stick is equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for connectivity, a USB port to connect peripherals and a micro SD card slot for additional storage.Underscoring that over the past decades computers have shrunk in size, Mohan noted that as the physical attributes changed, key components such as speed, memory, and storage were exponentially increased.What may become the future of the desktop computer, Mohan emphasized that the computer fits snugly in your pocket and comes fully loaded.President of STARR Computer, Michael Mohan holds the Intel Computer Stick and compares it to different stages and sizes of desktop computers.“The Intel based computer-on-a-stick features an Intel Quad Core Processor, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of Storage, Memory card, Bluetooth, Built in Wifi, USB 2.0 port and a Micro SD Card slot. What is exceptional is the computer comes with Windows 8.1 (Upgradeable to Windows 10) and one year’s subscription to McAfee Antivirus.” He expounded. “The fact that the computer is running Windows 8.1 OS, it can be used in Business, Education and for Entertainment.”Mohan, during his demonstration, showed how simple the device was to use. By simply plugging the stick into a Computer Monitor or Television with HDMI your Windows-based computer is up and running similar to any desktop computer. The highlight of the presentation was having a document print from a Television to an HP Wireless printer.Mohan noted some of the beneficiaries of this inexpensive device are Low Income Families, Students, Small Businesses, and Corporate Employees.STARR Computer has been an Intel Processor Dealer and an Intel Processor Integrator for the past two decades.  Mohan said that Lenovo will be officially launching the Compute Stick.  STARR Computer is a Lenovo Authorized Business Partner and will be offering the computer and full warranty support to its customers.

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