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發表於 2017-5-11 01:57:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– detention is unlawful – lawyers Barry Dataram, who was held earlier this year by local police on a provisional warrant of arrest pending extradition proceedings which were requested by the United States of America, has been arrested.Reports are that Dataram, who has been indicted in the US on drug-related charges,Randy White Cowboys Throwback Jersey, was arrested sometime early yesterday morning at Patentia, on the West Bank of Demerara.Barry DataramMeanwhile, when contacted, attorney-at-law Glen Hanoman said he was contacted by Dataram’s relatives, who informed him that Dataram had been arrested. According to Hanoman, he and attorney-at-law Vic Puran immediately went to the Brickdam Police Station. However, according to Hanoman, when they arrived at the station they were not allowed to see him. When questioned why Dataram was arrested, Hanoman said he was told that Dataram was being held because he breached a High Court order. According to the High Court order, which was made by Justice Jainarayan Singh on January 16 of this year, Mr. Barry Dataram must “report to a police station on Mondays and Fridays of each and every week, as directed by the Commissioner of Police”. As it relates to the order,Paul Kariya Ducks Throwback Jersey, Hanoman said, the police failed to perfect the order, since they never indicated which station Dataram was supposed to report to. In addition, Hanoman said, it is unlawful for the Guyana Police Force to hold anyone for breaching a court order. Hanoman explained that in such cases, only the court can deal with such a person, resulting in that person being held in contempt of court. He maintains that Dataram’s fundamental rights are being breached.In the meantime, Dataram’s lawyers say,Deion Sanders Cowboys Throwback Jersey, they will vigorously pursue the matter, and will challenge the police to show cause why Dataram was arrested, since the law does not provide for the police to arrest any person for breaching a court order.The lawyers further expressed their disgust over recent police actions, including detaining persons without proper cause. According to Hanoman,Atlanta Braves Throwback Jersey, what is more alarming is the fact that a wanted bulletin was issued for Dataram after the order was made in the High Court. Back in January, the wanted bulletin was issued stating that he was wanted by the police because he did not report to the police anytime following the issuance of the High Court order. The bulletin had stated that Dataram was wanted by the police in connection with this breach of recognizance.In addition,Jim Palmer Orioles Throwback Jersey, following the order, Dataram was released on $100,000 bail.Following all this, the Guyana Police Force had called on attorney-at-law Vic Puran to provide the force with any information relating to Dataram’s whereabouts.Dataram, of Ruimzeight Gardens, West Coast Demerara,Brett Favre Vikings Throwback Jersey, came into the spotlight back in December of last year when his pregnant wife, Sheleza Dataram,Emmitt Smith Cowboys Throwback Jersey, and three-year-old daughter were kidnapped by two Venezuelans. The two gunmen left Ruimzeight in Dataram’s car, stating that they would contact him later for more money, since they had already gotten a large amount of cash and jewellery from the man’s home. Dataram’s wife and daughter were taken to Bushy Park, East Bank Essequibo, where they joined a boat captained by a man and disembarked at Pomeroon, making their way to the home of a resident. The police received a tip-off and, following a shoot-out, one of the Venezuelans was shot and killed and the other arrested. The dead man was identified as Raul Antonio Munoz Centeno by documents which were found in his pockets, while the other man was identified as Venezuelan national Jesus Oliva Ortega Manriquez,Kevin Mchale Celtics Throwback Jersey, 43,Fran Tarkenton Vikings Throwback Jersey, who was deported from Guyana on November 27, 2007 for illegal entry after he was arrested in Georgetown.

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