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– to address mainCaribbean issues Guyana’s Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl B. Greenidge will be the guest of honour and keynote speaker at a Florida Conference to discuss the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy.That conference slated for September 10 will also address key Caribbean issues.Plans have been finalized for the one day conference in Miami,Ryan Carrethers Chargers Jersey, which will bring together Caribbean Diaspora community and business leaders along with US elected officials,Sean Lissemore Chargers Jersey, business executives and members of the academic community and media for discussions on three current issues of concern to the Caribbean Region and its Diaspora.Titled the “Florida Conference on Current Caribbean Issues: The Diaspora Discussion”, this event is a follow up to the issues identified earlier this year during Legislative Week in Washington, DC which need to be further addressed.Hosted by the Washington, DC based Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS) and the Greater Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Harlem Company LLC,Marcus Smith Eagles Jersey, the conference will focus on Challenges and Opportunities for the Caribbean and its Diaspora in the Context of normalization of US-Cuba Relations; Venezuela and Guyana Maritime Boundary Controversy: Implications for Peace, Security and Development; and Dominicans of Haitian Descent and the Dominican Republic’s Expulsion Plan.Minister of Foreign Affairs,Drew Kaser Chargers Jersey, Carl GreenidgeConference Chair,Wilbert Montgomery Eagles Jersey, former Guyanese diplomat Wesley Kirton said that a list of leading public and private sector officials as well as academics has been assembled to lead the discussions and recommend future strategies for dealing with “these critical issues”.The list includes a number of key business executives- David Clark, VP Network Planning of Jetblue Airlines; Dr. Teo Babun, Chairman of Americas Relief Team (ART); Dr. John Thompson,Chuck Bednarik Eagles Jersey, VP Americas,Hunter Henry Chargers Jersey, Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS); Eldon Bremner, former General Manager,Fletcher Cox Eagles Jersey, Jamaica Pegasus Hotel; and Gillian Nanton, President, the Harlem Company NYC (former Caribbean representative UNDP and member of the West Indian Commission). Also speaking at the conference will be Ambassador Richard Bernal of the IDB; Ambassador Matthew William,D.J.Fluker Chargers Jersey, former Grenada Ambassador to Venezuela; Dr. Mark Kirton, International Relations Institute, University of the West Indies; Mayor of Miramar Wayne Messam; Florida District Court Judge Ali B. Majeed and former Guyana Minister of Natural Resources Robert Persaud.The conference will be held at the Miramar Cultural Center, City Hall Complex in South Florida under the auspices of Representatives Hazelle Rogers (D-FL. 95th District) and Daphne Campbell (D-FL. District 108). Both Rep. Rogers and Rep. Campbell will also speak at the conference.

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