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發表於 2017-5-11 15:44:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several passengers who will miss Christmas in Guyana because of continuous delays by Dynamic Airways, initiated protest action at the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York yesterday morning when they found out that they will not be making the trip back home.It is estimated that some 100 passengers were left stranded at the US port after the company allegedly overbooked passengers.According to USA online news,Jack Butler Steelers Jersey, the protest erupted Christmas Eve morning immediately after passengers were told they wouldn’t be making it to Guyana. It was pointed out that consumers were set to board the jet to Guyana at Terminal One about 07:00hours with Dynamic Airways, when they were told the bad news.“Their flight was apparently overbooked and a Port Authority Police Department source said that the agency wouldn’t have a plane offered until at least December 27.” By 09:00hours about half of the fuming customers booked hotels or produced other plans,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey, the post said. There were at least 45 protestors remaining at the terminal holding up signs,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey, it was related.Dynamic Airways had promised that their return to Guyana would have sparked a fresh beginning after their initial problem-filled arrival had caused the charter service to cease about two months after they started.The company commenced operation the day after receiving clearance from Guyana to operate, but when it arrived at JFK in New York the company apparently had no permission to operate there. Every flight after that saw the company taking passengers to alternate airports and then transporting them to JFK. The same thing happened when passengers were travelling to Guyana.However Dynamic’s return has been filled with delays. As recent as Sunday last,Julian Edelman Patriots Jersey, Dynamic experienced a more than 24-hour delay when “maintenance issues” prevented the operation of the flight. Prior to that,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey, the company had experienced an extremely bad weekend when delays started from Thursday going through to Monday.Many passengers complained extensively about the poor service,Mike Mitchell Steelers Jersey, with Shadow Public Works Minister Joseph Harmon telling the airline,Ben Roethlisberger Steelers Jersey, to get their act together before collecting people’s money. Harmon was insistent that the company is taking advantage of passengers given the limited airlift within the sector.He said the poor performance of the company is also a reflection on Guyana which seeks to promote itself in the international tourism industry and as the hub between the Caribbean and the East.Tourism Minister, Irfaan Ali, had also expressed his concern with Dynamic’s service, saying that the Ministry had cause to call the company and find out about its performance and measures being put in place to cater for the passengers.Tuesday,Randall Cobb Packers Jersey, Ali said that Dynamic told him that additional flights were being added to the route in a bid to better the service, but no word was given about maintenance which has been the typical excuse for delays.Kaieteur News was unable to make contact with Dynamic’s local representative,Robert Alford Falcons Jersey, Captain Gerry Gouveia for a comment.

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