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– survivor clings to life in ICUSeveral hours after one of the most gruesome attacks in recent times at Soesdyke, relatives as well residentsJohn Blanchardof the area were still trying to grapple the fact that two innocent children were hacked to death by their father.Up to press time yesterday doctors, at the Georgetown Public Hospital were battling to save the life of six year-old Joy Blanchard, the only one of three siblings to survive a cutlass attack by their father,Terry Bradshaw Steelers Jersey UK, John Blanchard.Joy’s two other siblings, 10 year-old Belika and her four-year-old brother, Daniel,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey UK, were brutally chopped to death around 21:30 hours on Tuesday at their Dr. Charles Sand Road, Soesdyke,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey UK, home.Joy is in a critical condition at the Intensive Care Unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital.The man’s sister,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey UK, Annie Blanchard,L.C. Greenwood Steelers Jersey UK, said that she spoke to her bother probably minutes after the he committed the act.According to the woman,Green Bay Packers Jersey UK, her brother’s wife, Onica,Jared Cook Packers Jersey UK, who was in Mahdia at the time,Tevin Coleman Falcons Jersey UK, contacted her and begged her to go check on him.“Normally I do not answer my cell phone in the night so it was only when one of my other sisters called my landline phone at around 9:45 that I knew something was wrong with my brother.” She added that she is very close to her brother and when she checked her cell phone,Lynn Swann Steelers Jersey UK, she realized that he had tried contacting her. She speculated that the incident might have happened within that 15-minute period after her brother placed his first call to her.“After my sister contacted me I called him and he said he was sorry and he said he was going to kill himself. I begged him. I say ‘John wait till I come when I come you could kill yourself in front of me.”Blanchard added that her brother begged her not to be angry with him and not to cry. “All I could do was tell him I love him.”Annie Blanchard was forced to fight back tears when she was asked about what greeted her when she arrived at her brother’s home the woman said “It was not nice. It was not nice.”“I love my brother. What he did was wrong but something had to trigger my brother. He loved his children and his family.”She added that about a week and a half ago, her brother’s wife relocated to Mahdia to work as a cook because as she said, ‘the money her husband worked for was not coming in fast enough’When asked what may have triggered her brother’s action the woman said that she learnt that her brother had a telephone conversation with his wife prior to his attempts to contact her.“I was told that he and his wife were on the phone and she apparently told him that she with her man in Mahdia and that he can kill himself or do what he wants.”Annie Blanchard related that the last time she saw her brother and his children was on Sunday when she prepared a family meal for them.“I cooked and we all had a good time and on Monday, John came at me saying that he forgot his tablets so he collected them and said I would see him on Friday.” John was infected with malaria.The years of separationThis publication was told that John had made several attempts to save his marriage even after his wife admitted to having an affair.“One time while he was in the interior he found out that his wife had an affair and he moved out. Not long after he said he forgave his wife and wanted to save his marriage.”Relatives indicated that John never showed signs that he would hurt his children as he was described as a very loving father and husband.Residents in the area also attested to the fact that John always appeared to be very caring. One resident said that earlier on Tuesday afternoon the man was seen at a creek in the area with his three children.“They went running up and down in the water and he tell them stop or he won’t bring them back there.”Persons also spoke of the man’s wife leaving the children with relatives since she felt “it was too much responsibility”.John Blanchard up to press time yesterday was still in police custody after he was handed over to the police the night of the incident. Charges are pending.

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