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發表於 2017-5-12 05:38:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Former Central High School student, Stefan Knights, was admitted to the local bar following a successful petition before Madame Justice Sandra Kertizous.From L to R: Attorney-at-Law Gordon Gilhuys, newly admitted Attorney Stephen Knights, Madame Justice Sandra Kertizous and Attorney-at-Law Roysdale FordeKnights’ petition was presented on Monday at the Georgetown Supreme Court by his father, Stephen Knights, a Former Magistrate in Guyana and Attorney-at-Law who is based in New York.The Former Magistrate detailed his son’s academic qualifications and achievements. Stefan Knights was born to Anita Argyle, an entrepreneur in Barbados and Stephen Knights. He has four siblings, one of whom is Judge Stephen Knights Jr. who resides in Georgia, USA.He was raised by his grandmother, Ruth Davidson, in East La Penitence. The young Knights was the top student of the East La Penitence Primary School when he sat the Secondary Schools’ Entrance Examination (SSEE).He was awarded a place at the Central High School but migrated to Barbados where he completed his Secondary school education at the Alexandra School Graduating. There he obtained passes in seven subjects.At the Alexandra School,Wholesale Jerseys, he won the prize for most outstanding Social Studies Student at CSEC. From 2010 to 2013, Stefan Knights attended the University of Guyana (UG) where he read for his Bachelor of Laws Degree. In 2012, he represented the University at the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) Fourth Annual International Law Moot Competition in Trinidad and Tobago.From 2013, he commenced studies at the Hugh Wooding Law School and he recently returned with his Legal Education Certificate.Stephan Knights was recognised as an avid cricketer who played on the same team with West Indian Cricketers Kemar Roach, Kirk Edwards and Jonathan Carter. Currently, the young attorney plays cricket for the Central Cricket Club in Barbados.The young Knights has a profound interest in the environment and sustainable development. In 2010, he joined the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN), a regional organisation.He has been appointed the Special Envoy to CYEN since 2012. Moreover, in 2013, the young attorney was elected the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Youth Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean in Kenya at UNEP’s General Assembly.The young Knights has written several articles on matters relating to sustainable development that have been published by United Nations agencies, Latin American and the Caribbean organisations and Caribbean media.In 2015, the young lawyer obtained a Commonwealth Scholarship to study for an MSc in Sustainable Development at the University of St Andrews, Scotland (UK). He also obtained a Jet Blue Airlines Scholarship to participate in the Caribbean Expert Think Tank on Climate Change and Sustainable Tourism in the Dominican Republic in July 2015).He aspires to become an international lawyer working within the global development sector.

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