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發表於 2017-5-12 08:42:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PAT DIALWe are just a week away from the week of activities to celebrate the 50th Anniversary. The week begins next Sunday, May 22. Anniversaries are always multi-faceted events but the first 50th Anniversary is unique in any country’s history as it is something which shall never again occur. Three of the most important of the many facets which will be seen over the next two weeks is firstly,Jerseys From China, the Celebratory where all who wish to participate could enjoy the performing arts, partying, eating and even street-dancing to steel bands.It is a time for children to participate in as many of the celebratory events as they could for they would be accumulating experiences which would bring them happy nostalgic memories in later life.The second facet which will suffuse this period is the Reflective. Most of us, both young and old, will reflect upon our personal as well as our country’s History. One does not necessarily have to be 50 years of age to do so.We will reflect upon our achievements, our failings, our missed opportunities,NFL Jerseys Authentic Cheap, our mistakes and how we corrected them. In this process of Reflection,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the newspapers and TV will carry appropriate photos and writings and programmes. The Ministry of Education has organized some symposiums as part of this process of Reflection. Students, both at University and at Secondary schools are enjoined to take advantage of them.In this process of Reflection, we could take the opportunity of listening to the music which was enjoyed over this period. Such music will be both Western as well as Indian. It will be a rewarding experience for younger people to listen to the music, especially the hits, which were enjoyed by their parents and grandparents. The various patriotic songs composed in this period could be revived.The Militia and Police Bands which used to give regular performances in Georgetown and New Amsterdam should resuscitate such concerts not only in the two old municipalities but also in the newer ones as well.A third facet which will inevitably occur during Anniversary week is our envisaging the kind of country we hope and expect Guyana will be within the next 50 years. Such dreams and pictures of Guyana in the years to come have generally been articulated by our writers, poets, journalists and leaders over the years.These dreams and pictures are part of the folk memory of the nation from the time of Raleigh onwards and our intellectuals are quite conversant with them. The 50th Anniversary provides the opportunity and ambience for our intellectuals to assimilate these disparate dreams and pictures and create holistic plans and blueprints for Guyana over the next two generations. Such plans and blueprints could provide programmes for social and economic development and be a source of optimism in the coming years.The 50th Anniversary commemoration is therefore useful and valuable in helping to create a happier Guyana of the future. But the Commemoration also has a very practical side and we will highlight a few of the practical achievements.In the first place, as a direct result of the Commemoration, Guyana has enjoyed a successful clean-up campaign. Drainage of the City of Georgetown has greatly improved, the mountains of garbage have been cleaned, and the massive proliferation of sellers on foot, in carts and motor vehicles and shanty stalls have been cleared making way for planned urban development.The clearing of Stabroek Square and the contiguous parts of Water Street is one of the memorable achievements of the 50th Anniversary.Then there has been the orderly and high standard of bed-and-breakfast accommodation and culture introduced. This is not only useful for visitors from abroad but for Guyanese moving from one part of the country to another.There are also serious and successful efforts being made to introduce a regime of hygenic and cleanly preparation and selling of food publicly. Places of cooking will be inspected and all sellers will eventually be given a badge as evidence that their preparation has been inspected and that they are healthy persons without any infectious diseases.Dr Gobind Ganga, Governor of the Central Bank, has put into circulation a $50 note which is not only a fitting commemorative event,China Jerseys Cheap, but would assist in the counting and keeping of cash.One of the most impacting and imaginative commemorative events was the launching of a 50-year old rum by Demerara Distillers going with an 18-carat gold medal. DDL produces the best rums in the world. Its flagship rums are sold in all the major airports,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, worldwide. Over the years, the company has quietly given Guyana a very positive image everywhere.The launching of the 50-year-old with a gold medal thrown in,Wholesale China Jerseys, is a unique event in the history of the rum and distillery business and all Guyanese at home and abroad feel proud and express their appreciation to Dr. Yesu Persaud and Mr Komal Samaroo, the CEO of the Company for this fine achievement.And lastly, President David Granger has emphatically remarked that the 50th Anniversary commemoration has presented an extraordinary opportunity for us as a nation and as a country to work for greater unity. The PPP party has unequivocally declared that it is supportive of the 50th Anniversary commemoration.At this moment, both Government and Opposition need to extend the hand of fraternity to each other with a new beginning of understanding, tolerance and accommodation but the initiative rests with Government primarily.

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