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發表於 2017-5-12 14:16:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three contracted ‘sign painters’ attached to the Ministry of Public Works are accusing the Ministry of breaching a contract that they sign every year.One of the contracted workers, Shindel Austin, told Kaieteur News yesterday that instead of the Ministry paying him and his other colleagues their stipulated salary of $33,NFL Cheap Jerseys China,776 per month, the Ministry only paid him $6,200 for January, while his two other colleagues received $4,000.This, Austin said, is in total breach of the contract, since the agreement clearly states that “as full consideration for the services performed by the sign painter under the terms of this Contract, the Contracting Authority shall pay at the rate of $1,635 per day from Monday to Friday and 50 per cent of a day’s pay on Saturdays.Overtime will be paid at one and a half times the regular rate on Sundays, holidays and for hours in excess of eight hours from Monday to Friday and in excess of four hours on Saturdays.”According to Austin,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, when he and his colleagues enquired about the reason why they were not paid their correct salary,NFL Jerseys From China, they were told that it was due to the rainy season,Wholesale Jerseys China, and that they did not have much work to do.Austin, who has been working with the Public Works Ministry for the past four years, said that every year, he would sign a yearly contract with the ministry and whether or not it rains,Wholesale China Jerseys, he would get his ‘full salary’.He explained that he and his colleagues worked overtime painting the Berbice River Bridge and the recent bus stops but until now, they have not received their money.Austin said that it is unfair for him to work for the Ministry for the entire month and only receive $6000.He said that he has to pay his rent, utility bills and take care of his two children, along with his 13-year-old sister who is living with him.The man noted that he cannot sustain himself and his family on $6,000.According to Austin, when he and his colleagues enquired from a higher individual in authority at the ministry, they were informed that they will need to join the demolition crew of the ministry,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, if they want to continue working.However, Austin and his colleagues refused to join the crew and were told not to turn up for work again.The man told this newspaper that he does not know if he will ever be paid,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and is calling on the relevant authorities to look into his plight with urgency.

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