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發表於 2017-5-12 16:08:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Officials of the Ministry of the Presidency have confirmed that Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CentralCH&PA’s CEO,Myrna PittHousing and Planning Authority (CH&PA),Aaron Rodgers Packers Jersey, Myrna Pitt, and deputy, Denise King-Tudor, have written to President David Granger complaining about hostility from the new board.Specifically, the officials complained about pressure from the board’s Land Allocation Committee, headed by Mark Jacobs.CH&PA’s board, headed by former City Mayor, Hamilton Green, has been looking into the financial affairs and other matters of the agency but areas of special interest fall under the purview of the Land Allocation Committee.Sources of the board said that billions of dollars are not properly accounted for and billions more have been squandered on different projects, including the Remigrant Scheme and 1000-homes project at Providence, East Bank Demerara.Yesterday,LaDarius Gunter Packers Jersey, a number of CH&PA staffers disclosed that the Land Allocation Committee has sent Pitt and her deputy and other senior staffers multiple memos regarding the Remigrant Scheme,Nick Perry Packers Jersey, private developers, the issuance of titles and transports and other related matters.Jacobs was present at a CH&PA meeting with contractors and builders of the 1000 homes project, the Projects Department and senior management.None of the seven contractors currently working on the 1000-home projects appeared to have any technical training or qualifications,Reggie White Packers Jersey, it was disclosed.CH&PA’s deputy CEO, Denise King-TudorContacted yesterday,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey, Jacobs told Kaieteur News that he would prefer not to comment on CH&PA matters.CH&PA is an autonomous agency charged with overseeing government-run housing schemes and projects throughout the country.Housing officials said it would appear strange that CH&PA as an autonomous agency would be writing to the President to intervene on the activities of the board,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey, an independent body.CH&PA is under scrutiny by the administration for its past activities and managing of the housing lands and projects.For example, it appears that the authority took it upon itself to determine who was qualified as a remigrant for the Remigrant Scheme in Providence.There was little evidence the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which determines who is a remigrant or returning Guyanese was consulted.It appeared that the person processing the applications was a senior official in the Information Technology department of the authority.The programme requires allottees to build within six months.However, the absence of infrastructure works, like drains and roads, saw disinterest by land owners.CH&PA did nothing to enforce the timelines,Morgan Burnett Packers Jersey, similar to the little monitoring it did with the hundreds of acres of lands it sold to private developers on East Bank Demerara.In many cases,Paul Hornung Packers Jersey, the ‘remigrant’ lands were sold to overseas-based Guyanese who saw it as an investment. There was no hurry to start building as CH&PA was not moving to enforce its six-month construct regulations.The new Board was set recently to send home a number of officials to make way for a probe. This was after the board said that it was being denied access to documents it requested.However, the vote has been deferred.Government has been complaining about the quality of homes under a 1,000-homes project at Perseverance, behind Providence,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, East Bank Demerara saying that it reeks of corruption.Several break-ins have been reported, with CH&PA failing to report them, despite losses of several millions.Several hundreds of acres of land also sold to private developers on the East Bank of Demerara are also being investigated for delays and the manner in which it was sold.

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