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Aimed at providing training,Tyson Jackson Falcons Jersey, community research, services to young professionals and to help networking,Merril Hoge Steelers Jersey, the Professional Youth Alliance of Guyana (PYAGuy) was formed. The organisation was birthed out of the need for functional professionalism and quality services in Guyana.PYAGuy was established in November 2007 and was built on the premise of collaboration. According to the organisation’s founder Eon Kenneth Stephens,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey, many businesses and organizations have qualified people who sit in offices and are oblivious of the ethics of professionalism.As such he and a group of young professionals met and organized a plan of action. The group was registered in 2010 as a Youth organization, promoting personal and professional development through innovative programs.According to Stephens,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey, the group provides innovative mini-project opportunities for aspiring project managers and youth leaders. It was explained that the group also provides effective solutions which are designed to boost businesses,Mohamed Sanu Sr Falcons Jersey, whether it is a small or large organization.He said that tailored services are specifically designed to ensure that persons achieve success.Stephens told Kaieteur News that they have recognized that there is a great need for personal and professional development amongst young people in Guyana.Stephens said that the group’s mission is to promote youth development and youth empowerment through relevant and creative training. “We will provide opportunity for our youths and youth leaders to maximize their creative potential. The group’s goal/objective is to advocate for an approach to youth work and capacity building through creative initiatives.”Secondly,Steve Bartkowski Falcons Jersey, Stephens said that the group wants to strengthen youth ministries and NGOs by promoting quality services.  He said that another aspect of the group is to formulate effective policies on youth issues.Stephens told Kaieteur News that the group will remain committed to working with young professionals in Guyana by promoting personal and professional training that will produce professionals. He noted that it was important for young people to gain the social skills,Tony Gonzalez Falcons Jersey, values,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, competencies and attitudes that will allow them to make positive contributions to the development of Guyana.He posited that youth development organizations are essential for community building. Stephens highlighted that community programs are dedicated to the overall development of young people,John Hannah Patriots Jersey, and are a powerful means to youth workers and community volunteers.It is critical that young people are supported to develop both a strong personal identity and multiple areas of ability.

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