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發表於 2017-5-12 16:58:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The pedal cyclist who was seriously injured on Monday in an accident on the Fort Canje Public Road has been indentified as 16-year-old Damion Barry of Lot 13 East Canefield, East Canje, Berbice.The lad remains in a critical condition at the Georgetown Hospital. According to his relatives, Barry,Wholesale China Jerseys, who is the last of six children,Cheap Jerseys From China, is presently doing a programme at a mechanic shop in the area and is scheduled to graduate in September. He had left home around midday on Monday to visit New Amsterdam to purchase a shoe for his graduation and was on his way back home when he was struck down by a car, at around 15:00hrs.They never knew about the accident until after 08:00 hrs the following morning.According to his sister,China Jerseys Cheap, Barry would sometimes sleep over at a family friend not too far from home. So when he did not return home on Monday evening they thought that he had “stopped short”. However he would normally tell them when he would sleep by the relation, so when he did not return by a certain time the next day, they became worried and started to check.He was not by the usual place, while all other calls and queries turned up empty.  They heard that there was an accident on Monday, but the hospital could not give them anything definite in terms of details. They then checked at the station where their worst fears were confirmed when they saw the teen’s badly mangled bicycle. The relatives were then shown his bag with his clothes.His mother Hyacinth and brother Kevon immediately travelled to the Georgetown Hospital where Barry remains in a critical condition.The lad was injured on Monday afternoon by a white Toyota AT 212 motor car which was heading towards New Amsterdam. The driver reportedly lost control and slammed into him. According to eyewitness reports, the car was coming off the Canje Bridge and was in the vicinity of the New Amsterdam Technical Institute when the 22-year-old driver,Jerseys From China, in tryingto overtake another vehicle lost control and ended up on the opposite side of the road.The out of control car then hit the pedal cyclist who was heading in the opposite direction. The accident occurred in front of the Fort Canje Hospital and the car ended up in the trench outside the hospital.Damion Barry was picked up in an unconscious condition,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, bleeding profusely, and rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital before he was transferred to the Georgetown Public HospitalThe driver,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, it is understood, when tested,Wholesale China Jerseys, had a blood alcohol level way above the prescribed limit.

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