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Guyanese-born John Seymour and his son









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發表於 2017-5-12 20:31:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyanese-born John Seymour and his son, Curt Seymour, Production Manager of Seymour Enterprises Limited, are offering Barbadians the chance to obtain low cost, Guyana-sourced, greenheart homes.The houses will be shipped from Guyana in a pre-cut and partially assembled stage in 40 foot containers and then bolted together on the site. It would take approximately 14 days to get the two-bedroom model assembled, complete with the roof.Last Thursday, a two-bedroom model of the pre-fab houses was unveiled at the Rogers Road location in St.Michael parish, just outside of Bridgetown.“I think we have the experience and know how to see this through and supply good, long lasting housing for low income earners in Barbados. Since we completed this (model) we have had several inquiries,” said Seymour at a news conference organised by the Guyana Consulate for the Barbadian media.The wood used for the pre-fab structures is greenheart, which according to the senior Seymour, would be readily available.Potential homeowners would however have the option of other Guyanese wood such as Kabukalli.In giving basic technical details, John Seymour said the 24 feet by 36 feet model will sell for Bds$60,000 (US$30,000), on what is described as a “turn key” basis. All have indoor lavatory and ablution.Everything will be done for the buyer, including the laying of foundation, electrical work and the digging of septic tanks. These works would be undertaken by local Barbadian sub contractors before the owner steps up to the verandah and turns the key and enters his/her new home.A three-bedroom model will sell for Bs$95,000 (Guy$9.5M).Guyana’s Honorary Consul to Barbados, Norman Faria, praised the Seymours for their initiative, which he said would serve several purposes, among them providing jobs for Guyanese at home and the garnering of valuable foreign exchange.He also said that the introduction of the houses on the Barbados market was an “attractive option” for low income earners on the island.The houses are said to be able to stand up to hurricanes; if properly constructed and maintained, and are described as long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing.Quality control measures are said to have been increased here on Guyana’s end and are designed to protect the buying public.These buyer-friendly measures involve from the Guyana Office for Investment and Exports (GO-INVEST) to the Guyana Forest Products Council.According to Faria, the houses would complement programmes by the Barbados Government and Barbadian firms presently offering housing options. “This is a win-win for everyone concerned and it bodes well for the deepening of economic and trading ties between Guyana and Barbados and the continued friendship of the governments and peoples,” concluded Faria.

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