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發表於 2017-5-12 21:10:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Prior to the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti, displacing millions and killing tens of thousands in the process, that country was slated to take over the helm of the Caribbean Community in July.This has not changed, according to one source in the Secretariat, who said that the issue has not been raised. Rather, all efforts are focused on the assessment and relief efforts.If all goes well the Republic of Haiti will assume the Chairmanship of CARICOM from July 1 this year.This may change in the future given that at the time of the announcement there were still concerns about the stability and the maintenance of order in that country.Ambassador Colin Granderson during the CARICOM end of year press briefing said that there has been significant progress in that country over the past three years.He added that the country has enjoyed a lengthy period of political stability and public security.To illustrate the point,Javon Hargrave Steelers Jersey UK, he said that apart from Haiti attracting outside investments,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey UK, the elite Haitians have taken a different approach to development in that country and have been investing heavily into the country’s social and economic development.He drew attention to the political disorder that took place in Port-au-Prince in 2008 and said that it took six months to the day that the no confidence motion was moved against the then administration, and the installation of a new government.Haiti is the only CARICOM. Country that has a CARICOM representation office, and according to Ambassador Granderson, the reason is that the country has entered the movement relatively late and the Secretariat is providing as much assistance to ensure that the transition is incident free.Further, this move was also prompted because of the history of Haiti and its long exclusion from the CARICOM family.Roosevelt Skerritt,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey UK, the Prime Minister of Dominica, is the current Chairman of CARICOM having assumed the Chairmanship,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey UK, replacing President Bharrat Jagdeo. Skerritt will serve in this position until June 30, 2010.From July 1 to December 31,Nick Perry Packers Jersey UK, 2010, the chairmanship goes to Haiti.This change in chairmanship also affects the Bureau of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM, which comprises the current Chairman; the outgoing and incoming Chairmen and the Secretary-General. With this rotation, the Bureau now comprises Skerritt,Greg Lloyd Steelers Jersey UK, Jagdeo,Logan Ryan Patriots Jersey UK, Rene Preval, President of Haiti, and Edwin Carrington, CARICOM Secretary-General.The Bureau of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM initiates proposals for development and approval by the Ministerial Councils; updates the consensus of the Member States on issues to be determined by the Conference,Troy Polamalu Steelers Jersey UK, facilitates implementation of Community decisions,Ra Shede Hageman Falcons Jersey UK, and provides guidance to the CARICOM Secretariat on policy issues.

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