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two jeep-loads of policemen









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-5-13 04:17:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police ranks swarmed the Lamaha Park area and arrested three persons who were part of a group of protestors, demonstrating outside the home of Police Commissioner Henry Greene last night.Police ranks armed with assault rifles swooped on the protestors accusing them of disturbing the peace.The protestors were continuing their demonstration, organized by the opposition parties to press for an international probe of revelations that came out during the trial of US attorney Robert Simels, the former lead attorney for Guyanese confessed drug dealer Shaheed Roger KhanSimels was recently found guilty of witness tampering.The protestors had stepped up their demonstration earlier this week after a letter surfaced that was purportedly signed by Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, in which he allegedly authorized the purchase of a sophisticated computer which is used to track telephone calls.After demonstrating in front of the Minister’s house, calling for his resignation earlier this week, the protestors moved to the home of the Commissioner of Police.They had already indicated that they had no confidence in the top cop and his men to investigate the matter.Reports indicate that the protestors, who arrived in a bus and who were wearing the required peaceful picket armbands, were chanting slogans calling on the Commissioner to step down.Within minutes, two jeep-loads of policemen, under the command of a superintendent, arrived and ordered them to disperse.The protestors questioned the order and were told that they were disturbing the peace.They stopped and stood quietly on the parapet holding up their placards.But the police insisted that they remove from the area.One of the protestors who was not arrested told this newspaper that from their vantage point, they could hear the superintendent being instructed to arrest them.The officer then requested female ranks, since there were several women among the protesting group.But before the females could arrive, several police ranks grabbed some of the male protestors and bundled them into their vehicles.The other protestors hurriedly fled and sought refuge in their mini bus before exiting the area.As they were leaving, they passed several fully loaded police vehicles which were heading to the scene.Several residents in the area also came out and stood on the road to observe the confrontation.Up to late last night lawyers linked to the protestors were trying to get the arrested three out of police custody.

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