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established within the framework of the OAS









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發表於 2017-5-13 17:07:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A team from the Organization of American States (OAS) will conduct a review of Guyana’s anti-corruption measures in October.According to the 35-member grouping, the Commission from the OAS Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) will conduct the review from October 8th to 10th.The visit is part of an ongoing process agreed on between members of the OAS.The Commission will be made up of representatives from Haiti and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as from the Department of Legal Cooperation of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs of the OAS. According to OAS, during the visits, meetings are to take place with representatives from oversight bodies responsible for preventing, detecting and punishing corruption. The idea is to review the manner in which the Inter-American Convention against Corruption is being implemented in Guyana and to provide “first hand, objective and complete information for consideration of its national report, which will be adopted by the MESICIC, in March 2014.”In addition, the Commission will be meeting with civil society organizations in Guyana on the issues being reviewed.The meetings will also focus on areas such as conflicts of interest, the reporting of acts of corruption, and systems for registering income, assets and liabilities.To date, similar visits have been made by the MESICIC to Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Honduras, Panama, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Guatemala.OAS explained that MESICIC is a cooperation mechanism between states, with the participation of civil society organizations, established within the framework of the OAS, in which the legal/institutional framework of each country is reviewed for suitability with the Inter-American Convention against Corruption.“The incorporation of on-site visits as a stage and integral part of the MESICIC represents an innovative and pioneering initiative of the OAS, which, with the support of the Technical Secretariat, has further strengthened this review process.”OAS was founded on 30 April, 1948, for the purposes of regional solidarity and cooperation among its member states. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States.

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